Submitted by hswmin on
THIA Prenatal Record Request
The Texas Health Informatics Alliance (THIA) Policy and Standards Working Group recommends the inclusion of the Prenatal Record as an encounter-specific note in clinical notes. Various national initiatives have been formed to address relatively high maternal and fetal morbidity, including but not limited to, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Transforming Maternal Health Model (December 2023). Unfortunately, information exchange suffers from lack of standardization. An encounter-specific Prenatal Record would bolster availability of the right information at the right time to facilitate clinical efficiencies and empower tool development initiatives reliant on these critical data in the EHR vendor community.
THIA Policy & Standards WG - USCDI v5 Recommendation - Clinical Notes - Clinical Notes.pdf
Submitted by LisaRNelsonRI on
USCDI V5 Feedback
USCDI guidance continues to confuse the industry by establishing the “Clinical Notes” Data Class without clarifying that the Data Elements defined within this class may represents a document which holds a collection of clinical notes expressed as narrative or structured data. The clinical note Data Element may describe a collection of data elements, or it may describe an individual narrative clinical note that is expressed within the context of a clinical note document or may be expressed as a single clinical statement that can be understood on its own without the context provided by a document.
This confusion created by the USCDI Clinical Notes Data Class I call the “Sheep, Sheep Problem”. USCDI has a “collective noun” problem in the way these Clinical Notes Data Elements are defined. This problem should be addressed sooner rather than later.
One option for addressing this problem is to clarify there are many more specific types of Clinical Documents or Clinical Forms each representing a collection of information with a single context and shared data Provenance information. An opportunity exists to define a hierarchy of Clinical Document and Form types, then the USCDI data elements can focus on just the highest tiers of this hierarchy.
Clinical Notes, Clinical Documents, and Clinical Forms
Broaden the definition of this Data Class to include Documents and Forms
Clinical Document
A collection of narrative and structured data which is created at a point in time to establish a single context for understanding the meaning of the information. The collection of information shares a single Provenance in terms of who created it, signed it, shared it, etc. The collection needs to be human readable, has the potential for authentication, etc. (See the 6 characteristics of a document as established in CDA and FHIR.)
The distinction between a Clinical Document and a Clinical Form is nuanced and differentiated by the format used to represent the information.
Consultation Note Document
Wouldn’t need to be a separate named Data Element. It is a type of Clinical Document and could be listed as such in the proposed “data element index list”.
Discharge Summary Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
Emergency Department Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
History & Physical Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
Operative Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
Procedure Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
Progress Note Document
Same comment as for Consultation Note Document
Clinical Form
A collection of narrative and structured data which is created at a point in time to establish a single context for understanding the meaning of the information. The collection of information shares a single Provenance in terms of who created it, signed it, shared it, etc. The collection needs to be human readable, has the potential for authentication, etc. (See the 6 characteristics of a document as established in CDA and FHIR.)
The distinction between a Clinical Form and a Clinical Document is nuanced and differentiated by the structural format used to represent the information.
Clinical Note
A narrative finding expressed by a clinician in the context of documenting care provided to a patient or observations about a patient for whom care has been provided.
Consultation Note
Wouldn’t need to be a separate named Data Element. It is a type of Clinical Note and could be listed as such in the proposed “data element index list”.
Discharge Summary Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note
Emergency Department Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note
History & Physical Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note
Operative Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note
Procedure Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note
Progress Note
Same comment as for Consultation Note