Description (*Please confirm or update this field for the new USCDI version*)
Responsibility of an individual within the care team.
Examples include but are not limited to primary care physician and caregiver.
Submitted By: Al Taylor
Data Element Information
Use Case Description(s)
Use Case Description
Collection of data related to a provider of health care or related services is associated with attribution and documentation of care, quality of care and safety reporting, financial information, consultation and referral, and discovery of services that may be needed for future care. Documentation of provider information can be performed automatically or require manual intervention to associate it with a past, current or future episode of care.
Elements of this class are required for federal and other financial claims and reporting programs.
Estimate the breadth of applicability of the use case(s) for this data element
Virtually all documentation of the provision of care involves identifying characteristics of the person responsible for delivery of that care.
Healthcare Aims
Improving patient experience of care (quality and/or satisfaction)
Improving the health of populations
Improving provider experience of care
Maturity of Use and Technical Specifications for Data Element
This data element has been used at scale between multiple different production environments to support the majority of anticipated stakeholders
Extent of exchange
5 or more. This data element has been tested at scale between multiple different production environments to support the majority of anticipated stakeholders.
Potential Challenges
Restrictions on Standardization (e.g. proprietary code)
Feedback requested
Restrictions on Use (e.g. licensing, user fees)
Feedback requested
Privacy and Security Concerns
No concerns unique to these data elements
Estimate of Overall Burden
This data class and these elements are routinely used for many purposes in healthcare and related activities
The MedMorph team requests that Medication Administered Performer is published separately rather than being placed in Care Team Members as recommended by ONC. The ability to tie a performer to a medication administration needs to be explicitly identified in USCDI. We propose keeping Medication Administered Performer as a separate data element OR establishing a reference within the Medications class that connects to the Care Team Members class.
Submitted by maria.michaels… on
The MedMorph team requests…
The MedMorph team requests that Medication Administered Performer is published separately rather than being placed in Care Team Members as recommended by ONC. The ability to tie a performer to a medication administration needs to be explicitly identified in USCDI. We propose keeping Medication Administered Performer as a separate data element OR establishing a reference within the Medications class that connects to the Care Team Members class.