Standards Version Advancement Process

View / Comment Current Standard / Implementation Specification listing in IBR (170.299) Regulatory Text Citation for Standard / Implementation Specification Adopted Sort descending Certification Criteria(on) References Standard / Implementation Specification National Coordinator Approved Advanced Version(s) View / Comment
§ 170.202(a)(2)

§ 170.202(b)
§ 170.202(d)

§ 170.202(e)(1)

§ 170.204(a)(1)
§ 170.204(a)(2)
§ 170.205(a)(3)

§ 170.205(a)(4)

§ 170.205(a)(4)

§ 170.205(a)(5)

§ 170.205(a)(6)

§ 170.205(b)(1)
§ 170.205(d)(4)
§ 170.205(d)(4)
§ 170.205(e)(4)
§ 170.205(e)(4)
§ 170.205(g)
§ 170.205(g)
§ 170.205(h)(2)

§ 170.205(h)(3)
§ 170.205(i)(2)
§ 170.205(i)(2)
§ 170.205(k)(3)
§ 170.205(o)(1)

§ 170.205(p)(1)
§ 170.205(r)(1)
§ 170.205(s)(1)
§ 170.205(s)(1)
§ 170.213

§ 170.213

§ 170.215(a)(1)
§ 170.215(a)(3)
§ 170.215(a)(3)
§ 170.215(a)(4)
§ 170.215(b)
§ 170.215(b)(1)
§ 170.215(b)(1)

1SVAP is permitted in ONC’s 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule in the Real World Testing CoC/MoC: § 170.405(b)(7) and (8) and ONC-ACB PoPC  §170.523(t)


CAP Comments on 2023 SVAP

The ONC is considering including version 3 of the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) in the 2023 SVAP.

The College of American Pathologists (CAP) supports the inclusion of USCDI v3 in the 2023 SVAP to support the use, promotion, and advancement of the USCDI in the health information technology ecosystem. In its participation in the USCDI development process, the CAP has advocated for the USCDI to align with CLIA Test Report requirements in the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988. CLIA’s test report requirements (42 CFR § 493.1291(c)) are as follows:

(1) For positive patient identification, either the patient's name and identification number, or a unique patient identifier and identification number.

(2) The name and address of the laboratory location where the test was performed.

(3) The test report date.

(4) The test performed.

(5) Specimen source, when appropriate.

(6) The test result and, if applicable, the units of measurement or interpretation, or both.

(7) Any information regarding the condition and disposition of specimens that do not meet the laboratory's criteria for acceptability.

Although USCDI v3 does not align with CLIA, it is an improvement over USCDI v1 and is a step in the right direction. If the draft version of USCDI v4 is finalized as is, it would be preferable to USCDI v3 for the SVAP, as USCDI v4 is more closely aligned with CLIA.

The CAP is aware that in the ONC’s proposed rule Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1), the ONC proposes to replace USCDI v1 with USCDI v3 as the new baseline for certification.


Oracle Health Comments on 2023 SVAP

Please find attached Oracle Health's 2023 SVAP comment letter. We appreciate the opportunity to share our insights and recommendations on this important topic.

Oracle Health 2023 SVAP Comment Letter.pdf

MEDITECH Comments on 2023 SVAP

On behalf of Medical Information Technology, Inc. (MEDITECH), I am pleased to comment on the 2023 Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP). Please see the attached comment letter.

2023 SVAP Comments.pdf

Updating SVAP to include USCDIv3

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) recommends that SVAP references to USCDIv2 be replaced with references to USCDIv3.

SVAP Comments Submission on behalf of FEHRM Program Office

1) On this page:

Comment: If it is published before the next SVAP update is published, then please consider the HL7 CDA® R2 IG: C-CDA Templates for Clinical Notes STU Companion Guide, Release 3 - US Realm as a new version of this standard. This updated version of the standard includes modelling and guidance to support implementation of USCDI v2 data classes and elements.

Submitter: Russell Ott,


2) On this page:

Comment: If it is published before the next SVAP update is published, then please consider the HL7 FHIR® US Core Implementation Guide STU 5.0.0 as a new version of this standard. This updated version of the standard includes modelling and guidance to support implementation of USCDI v2 data classes and elements.

Submitter: Russell Ott,

EHR Association additional comments to ONC on the SVAP

As the review period of the Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP) is coming to a close on May 2, 2022, the EHR Association would like to refresh our comments submitted on October 11, 2021. In that letter we expressed support for delaying the SVAP review and publication to aim for a summer 2022 SVAP publication, so the necessary HL7® FHIR® US Core and HL7® CDA® C-CDA Companion Guide guidance could be updated to reflect the additions made to USCDI V2. We also expressed a desire to proceed with all other proposed standards, as they were ready to move forward.

Our comments are attached in full.

EHRA SVAP Comments 2022.05.02.pdf

WA State Dept. of Health SVAP Comments

Please find out comments attached. 


Chris Baumgartner

Senior Data Exchange Manager

Office of Innovation & Technology

WA State Department of Health


Cerner Corporation 2022 SVAP Comments

Cerner Corporation appreciates the opportunity to provide our comments and recommendations for the 2022 Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP). Please find our comment letter attached.

Cerner Corporation 2022 SVAP Comment Letter.pdf