ISA Timeline and Comment Process


HL7 Comments for ONC ISA 2021 Reference Edition

Please see HL7's updated comments on the ISA 2021 Reference Edition.  It contains an additional recommendation each under the following sections:

(Page 3)

Sharable Clinical Decision Support:

(Page 10)

Providing Patient-Specific Assessments and Recommendations Based on Patient Data for Clinical Decision Support:


Thank you.


HL7 Response ISA Letter 11 12.20 FINAL v2.docx

Organization and Usability of ISA

ISA is a critical resource to the community as we move forward with broader data exchange across the healthcare ecosystem.  HIMSS thanks ONC for ISA’s new section organization and the clarity that it provides with the removal of section numbers and clearer naming and alphabetizing.  However, there are still some issues with not being able to access major sections of ISA, specifically around the new “Specialty Care and Settings” section.  HIMSS recommends that ONC take several steps to maximize the value of ISA to community stakeholder supporting these efforts. 

Overall, ONC should work to promote and highlight ISA through additional means.  Creation of additional infographics that explain the purpose and benefits of utilizing ISA would be helpful.  Organizations like HIMSS could share those resources with our members and provide another opportunity to drive more utilization of ISA.  It may also be helpful to create brief video tutorials that provide examples of how different entities can access, use, and leverage ISA that furthers the goals of the program.  These resources could also point to previous ISA Reference Editions that are important for stakeholders to understand and see how standards have evolved over the course of several years to meet the requirements of the community.   

Another opportunity to better promote ISA is to ensure robust alignment with USCDI as well as other interoperability efforts underway across ONC.   ONC has an opportunity to cross-reference both ISA and USCDI in each resource document to help ensure better alignment.  There is also an opening for improved mapping across the USCDI data classes and ISA interoperability needs.   We see a clear overlap that could be of value to the community for greater understanding of associated standards within the interoperability need.  For example, there is a USCDI data set for clinical notes as well as an ISA interoperability need for that topic. Cross-linking can raise awareness of both and help consider additional standards/needs associated with each data element or use case.

In addition, we recommend ONC explore the concept of establishing a common evaluation process for ISA and USCDI on an annual basis, as a way of helping the community draw stronger connections between the resources.  Moreover, the idea of creating an ISA infographic resource could further tighten the linkages between ISA and USCDI by comparing and contrasting different sets of standards and describing what they have in common, where they diverge, and other distinguishing factors.  

Finally, in terms of the organization of ISA and the “Appendix II – Models and Profiles” section, we ask ONC to update the link to our new Interoperability in Healthcare Guide on the HIMSS webpage for a discussion on different types of standards.   

FEHRM Comments on ISA

On behalf of the Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization (FEHRM) Program Office, we appreciated the opportunity to comment on the Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA).

FEHRM 2020 ISA Comments.pdf

Thank you

Thank you for your 3 comments.  No action at this time. 

CMS Data Element Library HITWG Comments to ONC on ISA

Comments on the ONC Interoperability Standards Advisory submitted on behalf of the CMS Data Element Library Health IT Workgroup. 

CMS_DEL_HITWGComments ONC_ISA_2020NOV09.pdf