Additional Resources

Personal Health Records (PHR) Roundtable

ONC hosted a roundtable on PHRs in December 2010 to gain a better understanding of PHRs as well as other emerging technologies, and the dynamic and evolving market in which they exist, with a focus on privacy and security.

Meeting Materials

Mobile Devices Roundtable: Safeguarding Health Information

ONC hosted a roundtable to gather input to inform a way to bring awareness and understanding to those in the clinical sector regarding securing and protecting health information while using mobile devices.

Meeting Materials

Free CME Training to Educate Providers about the HIPAA Right of Access

OCR has launched a video training module for health care providers on patients’ right of access under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. The video module provides an in-depth review of the components of the HIPAA right of access and ways in which it enables individuals to be more involved in their own care. Upon completion of this activity, participants will receive free Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit for physicians and Continuing Education (CE) credit for health care professionals. The program requires registration, but is free of charge. View the training

Other Resources