Cypress v7.3

Version 7.3 is scheduled for release on June 20, 2024 includes the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) supporting the ONC Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). This version will support testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and the Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2024 and 2025 reporting.

Cypress Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
  • For the 2024 and 2025 Reporting Period:
    • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.3 - US Realm.
    • Supports validation with HL7 CDA® Release 2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2024 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 4, 2023).
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2025 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 2, 2024).
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category I – Implementation Guide for 2024 and 2025.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category III – Implementation Guide for 2024 and preliminary support for 2025.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Encounter Diagnosis element without a corresponding Diagnosis element can cause conflicting results. (CYPRESS-2655)
  • C1 Record Sample tests including attributes inappropriate for the criteria selected. (CYPRESS-2650)
  • Cypress test cases updated to removed retired codes. (CYPRESS-2645)

Cypress v7.2.2

The Cypress 7.2.2 patch was released on 2/8/24. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Removed specific references to 2014 Edition Certification, 2015 Edition Certification and the 2015 Edition Cures Update to support the HTI-1 Final Rule.

Cypress v7.2.1

The Cypress 7.2.1 patch was released on 12/7/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • CVU+ tests will provide warnings and links when calculations could be impacted by eCQM Known Issues. (CYPRESS-2547)
  • eCQM categories updated to reflect program inclusion.
    • Moved from Pre-rulemaking Hybrid to Eligible Hospital / Critical Access Hospital eCQMs - Hybrid
      • CMS844v4
      • CMS529v4
    • Moved from Pre-rulemaking EC to Eligible Clinician eCQMs
      • CMS314v1
      • CMS1188v1
    • Moved from Pre-rulemaking EC to Eligible Clinician eCQMs (2025 Performance Period)
      • CMS1056v1
    • Moved from Eligible Clinician eCQMs to Retired
      • CMS127v12
      • CMS147v13
      • CMS161v12
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Updated CVU+ tests for Hybrid eCQMs to require QRDA I files to be batched per patient and per quarter. (CYPRESS-2567)

Cypress v7.2.0.1

The Cypress patch was released on 9/21/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • CMS_0089 conformance rule was incorrectly looking for HQR_IQR_PI when it should be HQR_PI_IQR. (CYPRESS-2581)

Cypress v7.2.0

The Cypress 7.2.0 patch was released on 9/14/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports the updated CMS Implementation Guides for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category I - Implementation Guide for 2023 and 2024.
    • Removed CMS_0085 and CMS_0086.
      • CMS program name for hybrid measure/CCDE submissions must be HQR_IQR.
      • Files containing hybrid measure/CCDE submissions and eCQM cannot be submitted within the same batch.
    • Added back the previous CMS_0084.
      • QRDA files for hybrid measure/CCDE submissions must contain a HICN or MBI.
    • Added new validation rule CMS_0089
      • CMS program name for inpatient Hybrid measures/CCDE submissions must be HQR_IQR. CMS program name for inpatient eCQM submissions must be HQR_IQR, HQR_IQR_PI or HQR_PI. CMS program name for outpatient eCQM submissions must be HQR_OQR.
  • CVU+ validations added for formatting of CMS EHR Certification IDs. (CYPRESS-2571)
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Capped length of ids generated by Cypress to 32 characters. (CYPRESS-2559)
  • Fixed issue with C1 Record Sample tests with presentOnAdmissionIndicator attributes. (CYPRESS-2563)

Cypress v7.1.1

The Cypress 7.1.1 patch was released on 7/27/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports 2024 CMS Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III - Implementation Guide for 2024.

Cypress v7.1

Version 7.1 released on June 22, 2023 includes the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) supporting the 2015 Edition Cures Update for the ONC Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). This version will support testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and the Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2023 and 2024 reporting.

Cypress Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
  • For the 2023 and 2024 Reporting Period:
    • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.3 - US Realm.
    • Supports validation with HL7 CDA® Release 2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2023 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 5, 2022).
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2024 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 4, 2023).
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category I – Implementation Guide for 2023 and 2024.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category III – Implementation Guide for 2023 and preliminary support for 2024.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Randomized phone numbers limited to US area codes. (CYPRESS-2534)
  • QRDA III Observation values can be rounded to the 8th decimal place. (CYPRESS-2529)

Cypress v7.0.6

The Cypress 7.0.6 patch was released on 5/18/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Relaxed telecom validation to only require a single value. (CYPRESS-2526)
  • Phone number and email import support added to Vendor Patients. (CYPRESS-2511)
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Record Sample tests including non-negated data criteria for measures that only required negation. (CYPRESS-2528)
  • Vendor Patient analysis failure without highlighting. (CYPRESS-2516)

Cypress v7.0.5

The Cypress 7.0.5 patch was released on 3/23/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports the 3/23/23 update to the 2023 CMS QRDA I Implementation Guide (v1.2) for Hospital Quality Reporting.
    • Round trip validation of test patient phone number and email address.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Incorrect typeCode of REFR for Medication Supply Request. (CYPRESS-2486)
  • Result Attribute for DateTime values not displaying in HTML. (CYPRESS-2475)
  • Program Name HQR_IQR in test patients for CMS996. (CYPRESS-2494)

Cypress v7.0.4

The Cypress 7.0.4 patch was released on 1/19/23. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports the 12/20/22 update to the 2023 CMS QRDA III Implementation Guide for Eligible Clinicians.
  • Supports the QRDA I Release 1, STU Release 5.3 with errata published December 2022
    • Medication repeatNumber clarified as refills +1 (QRDA-1104)
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • C1 Record Sample tests could not verify the Encounter “class” attribute. (CYPRESS-2467)

Cypress v7.0.3

The Cypress 7.0.3 patch was released on 10/20/22. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Display expected QRDA Version to be submitted on upload pages.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Results of type Physical Quantity with a value of 0.0 were evaluating as non-existent results. (CYPRESS-2406)
  • CMS_0084 is no longer an error for 2023 QRDA Category I reporting. (CYPRESS-2411)
  • Cypress occasionally would make tests decks without any IPP patients for hybrid measures. (CYPRESS-2415)
  • Cypress will maintain consistent ids for QRDA files of duplicate patients. (CYPRESS-2416)
  • Cypress was not calculating CMS69 for Vendor Patients. (CYPRESS-2419)
  • Cypress was not escaping annotations in units of measure when comparing expected and reported values. (CYPRESS-2420)
  • Cypress was including negated valuesets unrelated to eCQM calculation. (CYPRESS-2428)
  • QRDA R5.2 Device Applied templates with a performers specified were failing import. (CYPRESS-2430)
  • Support code mapping of SNOMED CT code 254292007 for CMS129v11. (CYPRESS-2434)

Cypress v7.0.2

The Cypress 7.0.2 patch was released on 8/4/22. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports 2023 CMS Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III - Implementation Guide for 2023.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Display PresentOnAdmission when viewing patient information. (CYPRESS-2402)
  • Support calculation guidance for CMS69v10. (EKI-13)
  • Provided descriptive error messages when QRDA files fail import. (CYPRESS-2401)

Cypress v7.0.1

The Cypress 7.0.1 patch was released on 7/11/22. Any fresh installation will need to use the Cypress Bundle 2022.1.0. Upgrades can continue to use the Cypress Bundle 2022.0.1. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Encounter Performed Act Wrapper retired for 2023 (CYPRESS-2397)
  • XML parsing issue with nested xsi prefix definitions (CYPRESS-2398)

Now Available: Cypress ™ v7.0

Version 7.0 (made available on June 23, 2022) includes the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) supporting the 2015 Edition Certification for the ONC Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). This version also supports testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and the Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2022 and 2023 reporting.

Cypress Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
    • Supports the 21st Century Cures update to §170.315(c)(3). Enforces reporting requirements defined by the CMS QRDA Implementation Guides.
  • For the 2022 Reporting Period:
    • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.2 - US Realm.
    • Supports validation with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1, STU Release 2.1 - US Realm.
  • For the 2023 Reporting Period:
    • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.3 - US Realm.
    • Supports validation with HL7 CDA® Release 2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2022 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 6, 2021).
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2023 Reporting Period (eCQM value sets as of May 5, 2022).
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category I – Implementation Guide for 2022 and 2023.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guides for QRDA Category III – Implementation Guide for 2022 and preliminary support for 2023.

Cypress v6.3.0

The Cypress 6.3.0 patch was made available on May 5, 2022. Changelog for the upgrade is below

Cypress Features and Bugs Addressed
  • Allow for import of Vendor Patients without demographics specified. (CYPRESS-2351)
  • Tailor CVU+ measure warnings to selected program. (CYPRESS-2348)
  • Align Vendor Patient totals. (CYPRESS-2346)
  • Support verification of multiple NPI/TIN combinations in CVU+. (CYPRESS-2345)
  • Improve calculations with negated valuesets. (CYPRESS-2342)
  • Cypress API enhancements. (CYPRESS-2319)
  • Display Core Clinical Data Elements for patients with multiple episodes of care. (CYPRESS-2301)
  • Provide notification for CVU+/Vendor Patient uploads when QRDA files are missing in zip file.
  • Provide sorting/pagination for user list.
  • Provide indicator in Report when all tests are passing.
  • Autofill Direct Reference Codes for C1 Record Sample Tests.

Cypress v6.2.2.1

The Cypress upgrade was made available on 10/5/21. Changelog for the upgrade is below

Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • C1 Record Sample tests for the 2020 bundle were no longer 'Normalizing' Relevant Periods and Datetimes prior to verification. (CYPRESS-2305)
  • Valid Author IDs added to "Author Participation" templates. (CYPRESS-2307)

Cypress v6.2.2

The Cypress 6.2.2 patch was released on 9/23/21. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Strict enforcement of Author templateIds to align with submission systems
  • Display rank for Encounter Diagnosis in HTML views (CYPRESS-2280)
  • Measure ID check for CVU+ QRDA Category III validations (CYPRESS-2295)
  • Scoop and filter applied to C1 Record Sample patients

Cypress v6.2.1

The Cypress 6.2.1 patch was released on 7/22/21. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • CCDE validator required uppercase version specific ID (CYPRESS-2273)
  • Full Test Deck Download failure for C4 tests (CYPRESS-2270)

Now Available: Cypress ™ v6.2

Version 6.2 includes the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) for support of the 2015 Edition Certification for the ONC Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). This version also supports testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2021 and 2022 reporting.

Cypress v6.2 Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
    • Supports the 21st Century Cures update to §170.315(c)(3). Enforces reporting requirements defined by the CMS QRDA Implementation Guides.
  • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.2 - US Realm.
  • Supports validation with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1, STU Release 2.1 - US Realm.
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2021 Reporting Period.
    • Supports eCQM Value Sets as of 5/7/2020.
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2022 Reporting Period.
    • Supports eCQM Value Sets as of 5/6/2021.
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for QRDA Category I - Implementation Guide for 2021 and 2022.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III - Implementation Guide for 2021 and preliminary support for 2022.
  • Supports multi-measure tests, allowing vendors to test eCQM calculations with a single test deck across multiple measures.
  • Supports code system preference, allowing vendors to choose preferences for the code systems to be used in test patients.
  • Supports developer-generated test patients, allowing vendors to supplement Cypress test patients with their own test patients to increase eCQM logic/code coverage.
  • Evaluates the rigor of a set of test patients.

Cypress v6.1.2

The Cypress 6.1.2 patch was released on 2/11/21. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Updated 2021 CMS QRDA III Implementation Guide, Schematron, and Sample Files to Support MIPS APM Entity Reporting

Cypress v6.1.1

The Cypress 6.1.1 patch was released on 1/6/21. Changelog for the release is below

CVU+ Bugs Addressed
  • CVU+ Calculations in v6.1.0 do not properly account for negated valuesets. (CYPRESS-2186)
  • CVU+ Calculations in v6.1.0 do not properly display results for stratified populations. (CYPRESS-2195)

Cypress v6.1.0

The Cypress 6.1.0 patch was released on 12/17/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports December updates to the 2021 CMS QRDA I Schematron.
  • Support reporting eCQMs with QDM data types allowing either relevantDatetime or relevantPeriod attributes for the 2021 reporting/performance period.
  • Improved upload performance for CVU+ tests.
  • Ability to verify a users UMLS API Key on Cypress login.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • "Related To" references will not be split between files for CMS529. (CYPRESS-2171)
  • Fixed HL7 QRDA Category I Validation label in CVU+ Test (CYPRESS-2164)
  • eCQM calculations had been missing the final minute of the Measurement Period. (CYPRESS-2149)

Cypress v6.0.1

The Cypress 6.0.1 patch was released on 10/15/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • CVU+ eCQM calculations support CMS Guidance for Representing Telehealth Encounters in QRDA I Format for eCQMs.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Null Flavored effectiveTimes receive “Interval with nullFlavor low time and nullFlavor high time” warning (CYPRESS-2106)
  • Cypress returning “internal error occurred” for facilityLocations with nullFlavored codes. (CYPRESS-2124)
  • Cypress will verify ‘Related To’ identifiers when validating files for CMS529v1 (CYPRESS-2125)
  • C1 Record Sample tests need to be toggled to single code negation with Direct Reference Codes. (CYPRESS-2130)
  • Cypress returning “internal error occurred” validating QRDA Cat III uploads for CVU+ tests with stratifications. (CYPRESS-2131)

Now Available: Cypress ™ v6.0

Cypress v6.0 with the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) is now available to support 2015 Edition Certification for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). Cypress v6.0 supports testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2021 reporting.

Cypress v5.0 Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
    • Supports the 21st Century Cures update to §170.315(c)(3). Enforces reporting requirements defined by the CMS QRDA Implementation Guides.
  • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.2 - US Realm.
  • Supports validation with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1, STU Release 2.1 - US Realm.
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2021 Reporting Period.
  • Supports eCQM Value Sets as of 5/7/2020.
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for QRDA Category I - Implementation Guide for 2021.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III - Implementation Guide for 2021.
  • Supports multi-measure tests, allowing vendors to test eCQM calculations with a single test deck across multiple measures.
  • Supports code system preference, allowing vendors to choose preferences for the code systems to be used in test patients.
  • Supports developer-generated test patients, allowing vendors to supplement Cypress test patients with their own test patients to increase eCQM logic/code coverage.
  • Evaluates the rigor of a set of test patients.

Cypress v5 will remain available for testing eCQMs for calendar year 2020 reporting.

Cypress v5.4.3

The Cypress 5.4.3 patch was released on 1/6/21. Changelog for the release is below

CVU+ Features
  • Improved upload performance for CVU+ tests.
  • Ability to verify a users UMLS API Key on Cypress login.

Cypress v5.4.2

The Cypress 5.4.2 patch was released on 9/17/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • CVU+ eCQM calculations support CMS Guidance for Representing Telehealth Encounters in QRDA I Format for eCQMs.

Cypress v5.4.1

The Cypress 5.4.1 patch was released on 6/4/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports 2015 Edition Certification along side the 2015 Edition Cure Update Certification
    • The 2015 Edition Cure Update Certification supports updated §170.315(c)(3) Criteria as refined in the ONC 21st Century Cures Act.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Addresses bug when comparing expected results for CMS128v8 when using shifted records. (CYPRESS-2046)

Cypress v5.4.0

The Cypress 5.4.0 patch was released on 5/14/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Supports updated §170.315(c)(3) Criteria as refined in the ONC 21st Century Cures Act.
  • Supports March updates to the 2020 CMS QRDA I Schematron.
  • De-duplication updated to add realism to duplicated patients.
  • HL7-only tests added to CVU+ Tests.

Cypress v5.3.0

The Cypress 5.3.0 patch was released on 3/12/20. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Unit of measure validation for EH eCQMs.
  • Increased contrast for Expected Results display.
  • C1 Record Sample tests will remain Incomplete until first QRDA upload.
  • CVU+ can evaluate QRDA Cat I files with unknown demographic information.
  • All users can download reports in Demo mode.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • QRDA Cat I R5.1 schematron updated. (CYPRESS-1959)
  • CQL Calculation Engine updated to fix CVU+ calculations of Open Boundaries. (CYPRESS-1924)
  • Submission errors were not being displayed for C1/C3 tests. (CYPRESS-1968)

Cypress v5.2.0

The Cypress 5.2.0 patch was released on 12/19/19. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Addresses changes made in the December 2019 update to the 2020 CMS QRDA I Implementation Guide.
  • Ability to edit attributes used for C1 Record Sample tests.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Address calculation discrepancies for CMS165v8 due to ordering of Physical Exams. (CYPRESS-1868)

Cypress v5.1.0

The Cypress 5.1.0 patch was released on 11/7/19. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Addresses changed made in the October 2019 Errata publication of the Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.1 - US Realm.
  • Measure highlighting added for bundle patients (with 2019.1.0 bundle).
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Fulfill ID references should always be in same file. (CYPRESS-1716)
  • Unable to view patient calculations for stratifications. (CYPRESS-1799)
  • Incorrect measure calculation for patient Z4 N STROKE with CMS104v8. (CYPRESS-1794)
  • 2019.0.1 bundle upload causing systems to crash on import. (CYPRESS-1751)

Cypress v5.0.1

The Cypress 5.0.1 patch was released on 8/29/19. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Measure Logic Highlighting for vendor provided test patients.
  • Increased granularity of status message for bundle and vendor patient uploads.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Internal Error returned by Cypress instead of error message for incorrect population counts. (CYPRESS-1785)
  • Patient Import Fails when missing Low value. (CYPRESS-1785)

Cypress v5.0.0

Cypress v5.0 with the fully integrated Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) is now available to support 2015 Edition Certification for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Certification Program for electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM). Cypress v5.0 supports testing the Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs and Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs updated for calendar year 2020 reporting.

Cypress v5.0 Features
  • Supports the §170.315(c)(1), §170.315(c)(2), §170.315(c)(3), and §170.315(c)(4) certification criteria.
  • Supports validation with Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) I, Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5.1 - US Realm.
  • Supports validation with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: QRDA III, Release 1, STU Release 2.1 - US Realm.
  • Supports the eCQMs for eReporting for the 2019 Reporting Period.
  • Supports eCQM Value Sets as of 5/10/2019.
Cypress Validation Utility + Calculation Check (CVU+) Features
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for QRDA Category I - Implementation Guide for 2020.
  • Supports validation with the CMS Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category III - Implementation Guide for 2020.
  • Supports multi-measure tests, allowing vendors to test eCQM calculations with a single test deck across multiple measures.
  • Supports code system preference, allowing vendors to choose preferences for the code systems to be used in test patients.
  • Supports developer-generated test patients, allowing vendors to supplement Cypress test patients with their own test patients to increase eCQM logic/code coverage.
  • Evaluates the rigor of a set of test patients.

Cypress v4.0.4

The Cypress 4.0.4 patch was released on 10/3/19. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Enforces 2019 CMS QRDA I IG guidance for Reason Template Placement When Specifying ‘Not Done’ with a Reason. (Published 9/20/19)
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Use an id’s Root and Extension to determine uniqueness. (CYPRESS-1708)
  • Quantities can use decimal values. (CYPRESS-1741)
  • Exported Medication units should be valid UCUM values. (CYPRESS-1752)
  • Patient Import Fails when missing Low value. (CYPRESS-1785)

Cypress v4.0.3

The Cypress 4.0.3 patch was released on 5/2/19. Changelog for the release is below.

Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Cypress returning 500 error when trying to view Record Sample Test for CMS105 and CMS145. (CYPRESS-1672, CYPRESS-1654), CYPRESS-1629)
  • "C1 Execution: An internal error occurred" for "Substance, Administered" template in Record Sample Test. (CYPRESS-1627)
  • CMS 249v1 exhibited inconsistent calculation for "3 N GP Adult" Patient (CYPRESS-1624)
  • Immunization, administered not complete for Record Sample test. (CYPRESS-1619)
  • Cypress was including two (unique) patients with the same name in a single test deck. (CYPRESS-1593), (CYPRESS-1300)
  • Cypress was not exporting any test patients with negation of an entire valueset.(CYPRESS-1653)
  • Result Template using incorrect templateId extension. (CYPRESS-1634)
  • Reason Template using incorrect templateId extension. (CYPRESS-1611)
  • Reason Template was not being exported with patient in CMS129. (CYPRESS-1612)

Cypress v4.0.2

The Cypress 4.0.2 patch was released on 1/31/19. Changelog for the release is below.

Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • An “Assessment, Performed” Result should not be reported in a nested Result Template. (CYPRESS-1498, CYPRESS-1544)
  • ‘Randomized’ patient birthdate can cause calculation errors. (CYPRESS-1503)
  • Confusing display of Direct Reference Codes in “C4 Filter Tests.” (CYPRESS-1533)
  • Use updated ‘Related To’ template instead of ‘Fulfills’ for C1 Record Sample test. (CYPRESS-1537)
  • Strictly enforce the existence of a code-negation pair within the same entry for C1 Record Sample verification. (CYPRESS-1538)
  • Do not export patients using the ‘Other’ code 2131-1. (CYPRESS-1539)
  • An id not required in the Encounter Performed Act template in QRDA Category I R5. (CYPRESS-1541)

Cypress v4.0.1

The Cypress 4.0.1 patch was released on 10/11/18. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Cypress bundle for the 2019 Reporting/Performance period (eCQM value sets as of September, 2018).
  • Support for the 2018 CMS Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Category III Implementation Guide.
Cypress Bugs Addressed
  • Misrepresentation of ongoing events in HTML. (CYPRESS-1450)
  • Calculation of patient Z21 GP Adult for CMS249 does not account for race. (CYPRESS-1461)
  • Cypress’s relative positioning of the “Negation Reason” in the Device, Order template impacts patient import.(CYPRESS-1443)
  • C4 Problem filter not properly excluding patients without required diagnosis.(CYPRESS-1480)
  • Duplicate Patients have significantly different date of births, impacting calculation depending on which date of birth is selected.(CYPRESS-1483)
  • Master Patient List download does not contain patient files.
  • 'Race Condition' in C2 setup may cause the Expected Results to be calculated with a subset of patient records.(CYPRESS-1488)

Cypress v4.0.0

The Cypress 4.0.0 was released on 7/26/18. Changelog for the release is below

Cypress Features
  • Support for C1, C2, C3 and C4 certification criteria
  • Support for the CMS QRDA I Implementation Guide for the Calendar Year 2019 Performance Period.
  • Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA III), Release 1, STU Release 2.1 - US Realm
  • Health Level Seven International (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®) R2 Implementation Guide: Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA I), Release 1, Standard for Trial Use (STU) Release 5 - US Realm
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2019 Reporting Period.
    • 56 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
      • Including new eCQMs CMS249v1 (Appropriate Use of DXA Scans in Women Under 65 Years Who Do Not Meet the Risk Factor Profile for Osteoporotic Fracture) and CMS359v1 (HIV Screening).
    • 16 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/4/2018.

Cypress Bundle 2024.0.0

The Cypress 2024.0.0 Bundle was released on 6/20/24. The Cypress 2024.0.0 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v7.3.0.

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2025 Reporting Period.
    • 47 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 15 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
    • 2 Outpatient Quality Reporting eCQMs.
    • 1 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician Program Candidate eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Program Candidate eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Hybrid eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/2/2024.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2023.0.0

The Cypress 2023.0.0 Bundle was released on 6/22/23. The Cypress 2023.0.0 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v7.1.0.

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2024 Reporting Period.
    • 47 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 12 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
    • 1 Outpatient Quality Reporting eCQMs.
    • 3 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician Pre-rulemaking eCQMs.
    • 3 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Pre-rulemaking eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Pre-rulemaking Hybrid eCQMs.
    • 1 Outpatient Quality Reporting eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/4/2023.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2022.1.1

The Cypress 2022.1.1 Bundle was released on 10/20/22. The 2022.1.1 bundle can only be installed in Cypress 7.0.1 or later.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • 9 Patients (1 RV 1 OB, 2 Virtual, 3 Virtual, 4 Virtual, Z1 N Eye, Z2 Eye, Z3 N Eye, Z4 N Eye, 1 Virtual) updated to remove cross-walking codes. (CYPRESS-2427)
  • CMS1028v1 and CMS334v4 are no longer grouped with ‘pre-rulemaking’ eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2022.1.0

The Cypress 2022.1.0 Bundle was released on 7/11/22. The 2022.1.0 bundle can only be installed in Cypress 7.0.1 or later.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Removed retired Encounter Performed Act wrappers (CYPRESS-2397)

Cypress Bundle 2022.0.1

The Cypress 2022.0.1 Bundle was released on 6/23/22. The Cypress 2022.0.1 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v7.0.0. The 2022.0.1 bundle can not be installed in Cypress 7.0.1 or later. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2023 Reporting Period.
    • 49 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 11 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Hybrid eCQMs.
    • 4 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Pre-rulemaking eCQMs.
    • 1 Outpatient Quality Reporting eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/5/2022.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2021.0.2

The Cypress 2021.0.2 Bundle was released on 6/24/21. The Cypress 2021.0.2 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v6.2.0. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2022 Reporting Period.
    • 48 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 9 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Hybrid eCQMs.
    • 2 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital Hybrid Pre-rulemaking eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/6/2021.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2020.0.5

The Cypress 2020.0.5 Bundle was released on 2/19/21.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Calculations displayed in Master Patient List updated to reflect updated guidance for Relevant dateTime/Relevant Period
  • QRDA Category I reports using timezone offsets (other than UTC) could experience calculation discrepancies due to daylight savings. (CYPRESS-2194)

Cypress Bundle 2020.0.4

The Cypress 2020.0.4 Bundle was released on 10/15/20.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Some Cypress test patients use Relevant dateTime when they should be using Relevant Period. (CYPRESS-2099)

Cypress Bundle 2020.0.3

The Cypress 2020.0.3 Bundle was released on 8/7/20.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Patients "STROKE 3 N 1" and "STROKE 3 N 2" had relevantPeriods that ended before they started. (CYPRESS-2082)

Cypress Bundle 2020.0.2

The Cypress 2020.0.2 Bundle was released on 7/29/20.

Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Unit of Measure for Gestational age changed from weeks to wk. (CYPRESS-2076)

Cypress Bundle 2020.0.1

The Cypress 2020.0.1 Bundle was released on 7/23/20. The Cypress 2020.0.1 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v6.0.0. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2021 Reporting Period.
    • 47 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 10 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/7/2020.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2019.2.0

The Cypress 2019.2.0 Bundle was released on 9/17/20 with Cypress 5.4.2.

Bundle Features
  • Expression Logical Model (ELM) updates made to CMS128v8, CMS146v8 and CMS56v8.

Cypress Bundle 2019.1.1

The Cypress 2019.1.1 Bundle was released on 12/19/19.

Bundle Features
  • Removed CMS52v8, CMS82v7, CMS132v8, CMS160v8. Announcement can be found here.
  • Removed duplicate encounter entries from patients "Z5 BH Adult", "Z8 BH Adult" and "2 N Advanced Illness 4 GP Adult".(CYPRESS-1882)
  • Added diagnosis entries to correspond with encounter-diagnosis entries in patients "2 N Advanced Illness GP Adult", "2 N Advanced Illness 1 GP Adult", "2 N Advanced Illness 2 GP Adult", "2 N Advanced Illness 5 GP Adult" and "Z5 BH Adult".

Cypress Bundle 2019.1.0

The Cypress 2019.1.0 Bundle was released on 11/7/19 with Cypress 5.1.0.

Bundle Features
  • Includes pre-calculated eCQM calculations to improve performance when importing.
  • Removed codes that could cause "code-crosswalk" with eCQM calculation.

Cypress Bundle 2019.0.1

The Cypress 2019.0.1 Bundle was released on 7/25/19. The Cypress 2019.0.1 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v5.0.0. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2020 Reporting Period.
    • 51 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
    • 8 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/10/2019.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Cypress Bundle 2018.1.0

The Cypress 2018.1.0 Bundle was released on 10/11/18. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features Bundle Bugs Addressed
  • Duplicate episodes in patient Z9 N BH Adult. (CYPRESS-1453)
  • Cypress patients Z9 Eye, Z8 Eye used Cataract Surgery codes that inappropriately put them into the Numerator. (CQM-3215)

Cypress Bundle 2018.0.1

The Cypress 2018.0.1 Bundle was released on 7/26/18. The Cypress 2018.0.1 was the initial bundle published with Cypress v4.0.0. Changelog for the release is below

Bundle Features
  • Support for the electronic clinical quality measures (eCQM) for eReporting for the 2019 Reporting Period.
    • 56 Eligible Professional/Eligible Clinician eCQMs.
      • Including new eCQMs CMS249v1 (Appropriate Use of DXA Scans in Women Under 65 Years Who Do Not Meet the Risk Factor Profile for Osteoporotic Fracture) and CMS359v1 (HIV Screening).
    • 16 Eligible Hospital/Critical Access Hospital eCQMs.
  • Support for eCQM Value Sets as of 5/4/2018.
  • Measure logic coverage > 95% for all eCQMs.

Retired Releases

All releases prior to Cypress 4.0 have been officially retired. Please download release notes for these releases here.