ONC received 69 comments on the draft 2024-2030 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan during the public comment period. The draft strategy focuses on 4 goals:

  1. Promote Health and Wellness;
  2. Enhance the Delivery and Experience of Care;
  3. Accelerate Research and Innovation;
  4. Connect the Health System with Health Data.

As intended by the comment process, comments were submitted by a wide range of stakeholders to include, but not limited to: health professional societies, providers of health services, public health entities, health information technology developers, hospitals, health care payers, health care quality organizations, state entities, health care suppliers of services, health care accreditation organizations, and patient advocates.

For those wishing to review comments submitted relating to this strategy, please reference the below chart. This chart may be sorted using the dropdown menu below.

Name Sort descending Organization General Goal 1: Promote Health and Wellness Goal 2: Enhance the Delivery and Experience of Care Goal 3: Accelerate Research and Innovation Goal 4: Connect the Health System with Health Data Submission
Alan Brewington Individual Submission File
Ashila Jiwani Aligning for Health Submission File
Bevey Miner Consensus Cloud Solutions Submission File
Brian Scarpelli Connected Health Initiative Submission File
Cheryl Van Epps Individual Submission File
Chris Baumgartner WA State Dept of Health Submission File
Claire Floyd LifeBridge Health Submission File
Colby Tiner American College of Rheumatology Submission File
Corey McGee American Dental Association Submission File
Crystal Denlinger National Comprehensive Cancer Network Submission File
Cynthia Fisher PatientRightsAdvocate.org Submission File
Daniel Ciolek American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living Submission File
Deanne Primozic Surescripts Submission File
Donna Doneski ADVION Submission File
Edna Shenvi Elimu Informatics Submission File
Erin O'Rourke AHIP Submission File
Esther Farkas Unite Us Submission File
Franklin Harrington American Association of Nurse Practitioners Submission File
Haley Jeffcoat American College of Surgeons Submission File
Jacob Brown Individual Submission File
Jan Ileto OCHIN Submission File
Janice Karin Massachusetts Health Data Consortium Submission File
Jason Brumfield Intel Corp. Submission File
Jessica Aptman Zocdoc Submission File
John Odden First Holistic Ventures, Inc. Submission File