Steven (Ike) Eichner


Health IT Advisory Committee, Member
Public Health Data Systems Task Force 2021, Member
Interoperability Standards Workgroup, Co-Chair
Adopted Standards Task Force 2022, Co-Chair
Public Health Data Systems Task Force 2022, Member
HTI-1 Proposed Rule Task Force 2023, Co-Chair
Pharmacy Interoperability and Emerging Therapeutics Task Force 2023, Member
Annual Report Workgroup, Member
HTI-2 Proposed Rule Task Force 2024, Member

Health Information Technology Lead
Texas Department of State Health Services

HITAC Member Terms:
Term 1: 1/2022 – 12/2024

Steve Eichner has worked for the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for over ten years, helping plan and implement health information technology projects that improve the department’s ability to make data-informed decisions. Steve has participated in numerous task forces and work groups to improve health care providers’ ability to use their electronic health records systems to exchange data with government-managed systems including immunization information systems, laboratory services, and syndromic surveillance.