Naresh Sundar Rajan, PhD, MS

Naresh Sundar Rajan


Health IT Advisory Committee, Member
Interoperability Standards Workgroup, Member
HTI-1 Proposed Rule Task Force 2023, Member
Pharmacy Interoperability and Emerging Therapeutics Task Force 2023, Member
HTI-2 Proposed Rule Task Force 2024, Member

Chief Data Officer

HITAC Member Terms:
Term 1: 1/2023 – 12/2025

Over a decade of experience in health data modernization, standards, and interoperability in health information technology, including public health, health information exchanges, and government affairs. 

Naresh Sundar Rajan, MS, PhD, is a Chief Data Officer at CyncHealth based out of Nebraska and Iowa. Dr. Rajan has worked with the public health, state-wide health information exchanges, and research communities on data democratization, analytics delivery, health data infrastructure and interoperability, patient matching, improving health data quality, and enhancing the health information exchange infrastructure by using open-source technologies. He currently leads CyncHealth Data and Analytics, focused on modernizing data strategy towards enhanced interoperable systems. Dr. Rajan serves as Chairperson of the Technical Architecture Subcommittee for Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange (PMIX) Standards Organization’s Technical Architecture Committee. He also serves in Community Advisory Board for the Great Plains IDeA Clinical and Translational Research. Dr. Rajan serves as HIE representative with Gravity Project for the development of social determinants of health standards. He also serves in Project US@ that aims at developing standards for United States address metadata for patient matching. Rajan leads ONC’s pilot project in U.S. standards for address matching to enhance open-source patient-matching algorithms and develop standard metrics to compare across multiple standards.

Prior to CyncHealth, he worked for the State of Utah, developing an analytical infrastructure to disseminate prescriber practices information. Dr. Rajan led the analytics operation for Utah Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program and served as a subject matter expert for Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Operations for the State of Utah. Dr. Rajan received his Ph.D. in Medical Informatics from the University of Utah. He also holds a master’s in Computer Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a bachelor’s in Bioinformatics