Hannah Galvin, MD, FAAP, FAMIA

Hannah Galvin


Health IT Advisory Committee, Member
HTI-1 Proposed Rule Task Force 2023, Member
Annual Report Workgroup, Member
Interoperability Standards Workgroup, Member
HTI-2 Proposed Rule Task Force 2024, Member

Chief Medical Information Officer
Cambridge Health Alliance

HITAC Member Terms:
Term 1: 1/2023 – 12/2025

Dr. Hannah Galvin is a clinical informatics thought leader and nationally-recognized expert in the segmentation of data and consent management to promote patient-driven privacy and sharing preferences and advance equitable interoperability.  Dr. Galvin has guided major professional societies and health IT vendors regarding complex issues of patient agency and privacy to support the evolving technology-enabled continuum of care.  She advised the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Advisory Committee Health IT for the Care Continuum Task Force in relation to the recent 21st Century Cures Act on Interoperability, Information Blocking and the ONC Health IT Certification Program and previously served as a member of the ONC Patient Choice for Research Consent Technical Working Group.  She co-founded and serves as Board co-Chair for Shift, the independent health care task force for equitable interoperability, governed by the American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Electronic Health Records Association (EHRA), Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise USA (IHE USA), Drummond Group, AARP and ONC (ex-officio).

Dr. Galvin currently serves as Chief Medical Information Officer for Cambridge Health Alliance, an innovative academic public health system dedicated to providing care for all in need throughout the Boston metro north region and is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine.  An experienced primary care pediatrician and hospitalist with specialization in child abuse medicine, her clinical work focuses on vulnerable populations including at-risk adolescents.  Dr. Galvin is dual-board certified in Clinical Informatics and Pediatrics; she trained at Boston Children’s Hospital and graduated from Harvard Medical School and Wellesley College.