Information Blocking

Information Blocking – General


Electronic Health Information


Exceptions – General

If an actor does not fulfill a request for access, exchange, and use of EHI in “any manner requested” that they have the technical capability to support, is the actor automatically an information blocker unless they satisfy at least one of the information blocking exceptions?

Not necessarily. The information blocking exceptions defined in 45 CFR part 171 are voluntary and offer actors certainty that any practice meeting the conditions of one or more exceptions will not be considered information blocking. However, an actor’s practice that does not meet the conditions of an exception will not automatically constitute information blocking. Instead, such practices will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine whether information blocking has occurred.

Whether information blocking occurred in a particular case would be based on whether:

  • the individual or entity engaging in the practice is an "actor" as defined in 45 CFR 171.102;
  • the claim involves "EHI" as defined in 45 CFR 171.102;
  • the practice was required by law;
  • the actor's practice met the conditions of an exception under 45 CFR 171;
  • the practice rose to the level of an interference under 45 CFR 171; and,
  • the actor met the requisite knowledge standard.

Please note, the knowledge standard varies based on the type of actor.  For health care providers, the standard is that the actor “knows that such practice is unreasonable and is likely to interfere with access, exchange, or use of electronic health information.” For health IT developers of certified health IT and health information networks (HINs) or health information exchanges (HIEs), the standard is that the actor “knows, or should know, that such practice is likely to interfere with access, exchange, or use of electronic health information.” In addition, we recommend review of the examples included in the Final Rule of what is and is not considered interference at 85 FR 25811.


This FAQ has been updated to reflect the effective date of the HTI-1 Final Rule.


How is an actor expected to fulfill a request for the USCDI under the Manner Exception if they do not yet have certified health IT in place that supports the Cures Act Final Rule updates necessary to include the USCDI in certified technology?

The “Manner” exception does not require the use of any specific standard or functionality. Instead, the “Manner” exception (45 CFR 171.301) outlines a process by which an actor may prioritize the use of standards in fulfilling a request for EHI in a manner that supports and prioritizes the interoperability of the data. This means that, for the purposes of information blocking, before October 6, 2022, an actor could have fulfilled a request with the EHI identified by the data elements represented in the USCDI standard, first in the manner requested and, if not, in an alternate manner agreed upon with the requestor, following the order of priority specified in the exception.


This FAQ has been updated to reflect the effective date of the HTI-1 Final Rule.


Manner Exception

Is portable document format (PDF) considered a “machine-readable format” for purposes of the alternative manner condition of the Manner exception?

It depends. The Manner Exception, in particular the last provision of the “alternative manner” (45 CFR 171.301(b)(1)(iii)), does not specify the particular file extensions or outputs that must be supported. Instead, as a last alternative to make electronic health information (EHI) accessible, exchangeable, or useable, this specific provision within the exception requires actors to produce EHI in a “machine-readable format, including the means to interpret the electronic health information, agreed upon with the requestor.” If it is necessary to produce a PDF for the purpose of meeting this provision, the PDF should be an interpretable, machine-readable output. While this may be possible for some PDFs, other PDFs, such as those that include EHI as images, generally might not be an interpretable, machine-readable output.  

One way a PDF could be a machine-readable format would be if it was structured so that the data it conveyed could be consumed by another software program using consistent processing logic, consistent with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s definition of “machine-readable.” If a data output format is structured so that the EHI it conveys is machine readable, then that output format is a machine-readable format, regardless of the file extension.


This FAQ has been updated to reflect the effective date of the HTI-1 Final Rule.


Privacy Exception

Preventing Harm Exception


Reporting Claims of Information Blocking