A Step-by-Step Approach

Implementing an electronic health record (EHR) can be a challenging undertaking, so it’s helpful to use a step-by-step approach. Keep reading to learn about the six critical EHR implementation steps.

  • 1. Assess Your Organizational Readiness: The first EHR implementation step is to assess your current organization – its goals, needs, and financial and technical readiness. With an accurate view of your preparedness, your organization can design an EHR implementation plan that meets the specific needs of your organization.
  • 2. Plan Your Approach: In the planning phase, draw on the information you gathered during the assessment phase to outline your organization’s EHR implementation plan. Remember to look at all aspects of your organization  from an electronic point-of-view.
  • 3. Select or Upgrade to a Certified EHR: Next you should select or upgrade to a certified EHR. Your EHR implementation team should use the information gathered in the assessment and planning phases to choose the right EHR for your organization. 
  • 4. Conduct Training & Implement an EHR System: During this phase of EHR implementation, your organization should install the EHR system. You’ll also need to make sure you prepare for EHR implementation go-live, so include training, pre-go-live dress rehearsals, and pilot testing in this step.
  • 5. Achieve Meaningful Use: Next, you should work towards achieving meaningful use.

-    Meaningful Use Stage 1

-    Meaningful Use Stage 2

  • 6. Continue Quality Improvement: Once you’ve implemented an EHR and achieved meaningful use, you should continuously evaluate and improve. Revisit your organization’s goals and needs to continue refining workflows and improving patient outcomes.

Providers Like You

Are you interested in how providers like you have implemented EHRs? Take a look at these success stories from the field to learn more about first-hand experiences with Health IT.

For More Information

For more information about EHR implementation, see the following resources.