Timing & Basics

After you assess your electronic health record (EHR) needs, set EHR goals, make key decision about must-have EHR capabilities, and narrow the vendor field, you should draft a request for information (RFI) or a request for proposals (RFP) to collect information from vendors about their products and services. As you transition to health IT, make sure to ask potential vendors for the following information at minimum1:

  • Organizational profile
  • Implementation and training model
  • Estimated total cost of ownership
  • Availability for demonstrations

Information Providers Should Get from Vendors

To learn about the specific information you should solicit from vendors in your RFI or an RFP, see the following resources.


  1. Chicago Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center. “EHR Vendor Selection Best Practices: Guidelines for Picking the Right EHR System for Your Practice.”