Even if you don’t have access to Blue Button right now you still have a legal right to see and get a copy of your health records. Having electronic access to your health records allows you to have the information you need at your fingertips to share with other doctors or in case of an emergency.

More and more healthcare providers and health insurance companies are adopting Blue Button, which means that yours may soon be offering it, as well. Although Blue Button is in its early stages, it is expanding rapidly. The best way to find out is to ask. Ask your health care provider or health insurance company when they plan to offer Blue Button or a way for you to view, download, and share your health records online.

Even if your healthcare providers don’t offer Blue Button, they may be required under the law to provide you with your health records electronically, if they have the capability to do so. Read about your rights in this document [PDF - 82 KB] which you can download and take to your provider. This video also explains your right.