Electronic Health Records and Staff Efficiency

Studies have shown electronic health records (EHRs) to generate a positive return on investment1-3 and improve organizational efficiency.4-5 Although the evidence is largely anecdotal at this point, EHR-enabled organizations report:

  • Less Time Spent “Chasing Charts”: When staff members have quick, easy access to patient records, they save time that would otherwise be spent locating paper charts.
  • Better Information Availability: With EHRs, patient records are available simultaneously to all appropriate staff at all times, meaning your staff can more efficiently locate and process patient information.
  • Improved Medical Practice Management: Through integrated scheduling systems that link appointments directly to progress notes, automated coding, and easier-to-manage claims, your staff can more efficiently run your organization and improve medical practice management.
  • Reduced Paperwork: Administrative tasks, such as filling out forms and processing billing requests, require staff time and effort. EHRs streamline these tasks.
  • Less Time Spent Deciphering Handwriting: With EHRs, staff members will spend less time interpreting handwritten notes.
  • Enhanced Information Sharing: EHRs can be programmed for easy or even automatic delivery of information from laboratories or other providers, saving staff time that would otherwise be spent manually entering information into patient records.

For More Information

For more information about the benefits of electronic health records and how EHRs will help your organization improve staff efficiency, see the following resource.


  1. Wang SJ, Middleton B, Prosser LA, Bardon CG, Spurr CD, Carchidi PJ, Kittler AF, Goldszer RC, Fairchild DG, Sussman AJ, Kuperman GJ, Bates DW. “A cost-benefit analysis of electronic medical records in primary care.” Am J Med. 2003.
  2. Grieger DL, Cohen SH, Krusch DA. “A pilot study to document the return on investment for implementing an ambulatory electronic health record at an academic medical center.” J Am Coll Surg. 2007.
  3. Miller RH, West C, Brown TM, Sim I, Ganchoff C. “The Value of Electronic Health Records in Solo or Small Group Practices.” Health Aff. 2005.
  4. Buntin MB, Burke MF, Hoaglin MC, Blumenthal D. “The Benefits Of Health Information Technology: A Review Of The Recent Literature Shows Predominantly Positive Results.” Health Aff. 2011.
  5. Shield RR, Goldman RE, Anthony DA, Wang N, Doyle RJ, Borkan J. “Gradual Electronic Health Record Implementation: New Insights on Physician and Patient Adaptation.” Ann Fam Med. 2010.