Are health plans or other payers subject to the information blocking regulation?

For purposes of the information blocking regulation in 45 CFR part 171, the term "actor" includes health care providers, health IT developers of certified health IT, and health information networks (HIN) or health information exchanges (HIE), as defined in 45 CFR 171.102. Although health plans and other payers are not specifically identified within any of these definitions, they also are not specifically excluded. To the extent an individual or entity that is a payer also meets the 45 CFR 171.102 definition of "health care provider," "health IT developer of certified health IT" or "health information network or health information exchange," that individual or entity would be considered an "actor" for purposes of information blocking. In addition, the HIN/HIE definition is a functional definition and should be reviewed for potential applicability to a health plan’s activities. The Information Blocking Actors fact sheet on presents these definitions in an easy-to-use format. (See also Cures Act Final Rule page 85 FR 25803)
