"Safety" Posts

Portrait of Jacob Reider

SAFER Guides will help optimize for safety

Jacob Reider | January 15, 2014

After a lot of hard work, we have combined evidence-based guidelines with practical advice to help you use your health information technology more safely. We’ve been working to post the Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER ) Guides since we highlighted them in our Health IT Patient Safety Action and Surveillance Plan last July. 

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Portrait of Kathy Kenyon

A Guide: How to Identify and Address Unsafe Conditions Associated with Health IT

Kathy Kenyon | December 5, 2013

When front line clinicians confront a clinical mishap or unsafe condition in EHR-enabled healthcare settings (such as a medication error or a missed diagnosis) they may not connect the clinical event with how EHR use could have helped prevent it, how misuse or failure to use EHR functionality as intended contributed to the problem, or how weaknesses in EHR configuration, interfaces, or usability contributed.

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Portrait of Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski

ONC’s Fellows are using Health IT for better health, care and lower costs

Lisa-Nicole Sarnowski | November 25, 2013

The HIT Fellows use Health IT and delivery system models to achieve the three-part aim: better health, better health care and lower cost
We at ONC have worked with the Health IT Fellows for about six months and are beginning to see the group’s collective insights are helping doctors and patients move toward better health, better health care and lower cost.

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Portrait of Adam Wong

Winners of the Patient Safety Reporting System Challenge

Adam Wong | November 15, 2012

Over the past several weeks, many of us at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and Food and Drug Administration have been evaluating the submissions for the Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge. KBCore of Houston was selected the winner of the challenge—and the recipient of the $50,000 prize—because the company’s patient safety reporting system best fit the criteria of the challenge to find and reduce the risks associated with patient care.

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Portrait of Wil Yu

ONC Launches Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge to Help Reduce Medical Errors

Wil Yu | May 15, 2012

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is proud to launch the Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge, designed to spur development of platform-agnostic health IT tools to facilitate the reporting of medical errors in hospital and outpatient settings. This developer contest is part of ONC’s Investing in Innovation (i2) Initiative, which holds competitions to accelerate development and adoption of technology solutions that enhance quality and outcomes.

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