"REC" Posts

Portrait of Erin Poetter Siminerio

New Animated Video Explains How Advancements in Technology are Giving You Tools and Access to Information to Manage Your Health

Erin Poetter Siminerio | August 7, 2012

It’s time health care caught up with the way we live the rest of our lives. Technology has transformed the way we bank, shop, travel and communicate; yet, health care has lagged far behind.
ONC has posted 3:00 minute and 60-second versions of an animated video for consumers that explains how widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and other technology is helping to give the U.S. health care system a 21st Century upgrade—creating one that is smarter and more responsive to the needs of patients,

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Portrait of Elsie Hasting

Technology Is Keeping Track of More Than Just Scores at the London 2012 Olympic Games

Elsie Hasting | July 31, 2012

Electronic Health Records: Helping Team USA and YOU Achieve Better Health and Care
Today, technology is tracking more than just scores, stats, and outcomes of competitions at the London 2012 Olympics. For the first time in history, our Olympic athletes, their doctors, and trainers will use electronic health records to track, treat, and transform the health of Team USA.
As a sports and health advocate, a current ONCer, and a former member of the staff at the Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games,

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Portrait of Lygeia Ricciardi

Making Patient Access to Their Health Information a Reality

Lygeia Ricciardi | June 25, 2012

As Americans, we each have the legal right to access our health information held by doctors, hospitals and others that provide health care services for us, thanks to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. But 41 percent say they never have.  Why? In a paper-based health care system, it can be time consuming, expensive, and cumbersome to get copies of your medical records. And what do you do with a stack—or maybe even a room full—of paper health records?

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Portrait of Brett Andriesen

Bright Spots of the Direct Project Adoption

Brett Andriesen | June 18, 2012

Reflect for a moment on the last time your doctor referred you to a specialist. When you arrived, did the specialist say, “Sorry, I did not get your paperwork, can you tell me why you are you here?” Wouldn’t it be great if your specialist already had the health information she needed before you arrived, so you did not have to remember your medications, previous tests, and diagnoses? 

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Portrait of Liz Palena Hall

Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Needs Related to EHR Adoption

Liz Palena Hall | May 3, 2012

As the population of the United States ages, the number of people receiving services in Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) facilities is expected to grow rapidly. LTPAC is characterized by a variety of settings, from complex care in long-term acute-care hospitals to supportive services in the community or home-based care. Compared to the general population, LTPAC patients typically have a wide range of conditions and more complex, longitudinal care needs.  Frequent transitions between acute, post-acute, and longer-term care settings are common.

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