"REC" Posts

Portrait of Carol Taylor

Electronic Health Records and Nursing: An EHR Implementation Story

Carol Taylor | May 8, 2013

This is the third blog post in a National Nurses Week series about how Electronic Health Records and nursing have evolved over time and how Health IT is helping nurses provide coordinated care to their patients.
The vast, rugged landscape of southeastern New Mexico may seem like a different planet for those living in other parts of the United States. But 11 years ago, I made the long trek South and West and I now call Hobbs,

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Portrait of Ryan Panchadsaram

Winners of Patient Health Record Graphic Design Contest Announced

Ryan Panchadsaram | January 17, 2013

Three months ago we challenged graphic designers to help us reimagine what the patient health record could look like. We hoped that by making a patient health record more usable, the record could help prevent medical errors, empower patients to make better health decisions, and even save lives. We received a record number of submissions from graphic designers (more than 230). Our reviewers and curators were inspired by how the entrants were able to use design to make the record more human-centered and easy to use.

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Portrait of Dawn Heisey-Grove

Using Information about Challenges to EHR Adoption and Meaningful Use to Find Global Solutions

Dawn Heisey-Grove | October 2, 2012

In November 2011, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) began working with the nation’s 62 Regional Extension Centers (RECs) to create a comprehensive dataset of challenges that providers are experiencing in the journey toward electronic health record (EHR) adoption and meaningful use.

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Portrait of Lygeia Ricciardi

The Power of the Blue Button

Lygeia Ricciardi | October 1, 2012

In August 2010, just 25 months ago,  President Obama announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was going to make Veterans’ personal health records available to them online with something called the “Blue Button.”  Blue Button is an incredibly simple idea. It puts electronic information in the hands of patients—safely, reliably, and conveniently.   

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