Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo | April 27, 2016
Seven years ago, Congress passed a law to spur the country to digitize the health care experience for Americans and connect doctor’s practices and hospitals, thereby modernizing patient care through the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Incentive Programs, also known as “Meaningful Use.” Before this shift began, many providers did not have the capital to invest in health information technology and patient information was siloed in paper records. Since then, we have made incredible progress, with nearly all hospitals and three-quarters of doctors using EHRs.
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Leila Samy | September 20, 2013
This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Health IT Week. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for the #NHITweek hashtag.
During one of my regular visits over the phone with Ed Gamache, CEO of Harbor Beach Community Hospital, in Harbor Beach, MI, I learned a bit about how his critical access hospital is not only participating in the EHR program, but showcasing techniques to achieve desired results.
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Norma Morganti | September 13, 2013
That’s what we were wondering when we began the development of learning resources to support patient-centered care enabled through health IT way back in the fall of 2012.
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Dr. David Blumenthal | December 30, 2009
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its draft definition for the “meaningful use” of electronic health records (EHRs) today as part of its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). The NPRM describes the proposed implementation of incentives to providers for the adoption and meaningful use of certified EHRs. This NPRM from CMS kicks off a 60-day public comment period to help inform its development of the final 2011 meaningful use criteria.
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