"interoperability" Posts

Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Interoperability Standards – Shades of Gray

Dr. Doug Fridsma | February 8, 2013

“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra
A few weeks ago, I described the differences between the concepts of interoperability and health information exchange, both important goals of ONC. In this week’s discussion, I want to dive a little deeper into the characteristics of interoperability and why I believe the solutions are not black and white, but rather a shade of gray.

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Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Interoperability vs Health Information Exchange: Setting the Record Straight

Dr. Doug Fridsma | January 9, 2013

One thing that I’ve learned in the government is that words matter, and sometimes, particularly in complicated or technical areas, it can be hard to use words that are precise and accurate. Sometimes we use the same term to apply to a broad range of concepts or ideas because it can be complicated to describe all the nuances captured by that work. Sometimes the words we use start out as verbs and then turn into nouns. 

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