"health IT" Posts

Portrait of Mat Kendall

Practice Transformation: RECs Partnering with Health Care Providers Like You

Mat Kendall | September 18, 2013

This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Health IT Week. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for the #NHITweek hashtag.
Health information technology (health IT) is essential for better health, better patient care, and controlling costs, but effectively using it requires training and focus. More than 130,000 primary care providers (PCPs), 40% of all PCPs in the country, already receive support from Regional Extension Centers (RECs) for adoption and Meaningful Use of health IT.

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Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Health IT Week Interoperability Showcase Highlights Progress in Electronic Health

Dr. Doug Fridsma | September 17, 2013

On Tuesday, September 17 and Wednesday, September 18, several of our federal partners will be participating in the Health IT Week Interoperability Showcase  on Capitol Hill. Federal Health Architecture (FHA) member  agencies will highlight their work toward the development and use of interoperable electronic health information exchange.

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Portrait of Jodi G. Daniel

Using Health IT to Integrate Behavioral Health and Primary Care Information

Jodi G. Daniel | September 16, 2013

This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Health IT Week. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for the #NHITweek hashtag.
Health IT can support better clinical decisions and coordinated care for patients.   As a key factor in health and health outcomes, it is critical to support health IT adoption and use by behavioral health providers and to use health IT to support integration of behavioral health and primary care information.

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