"health information" Posts

Portrait of Mat Kendall

Practice Transformation: RECs Partnering with Health Care Providers Like You

Mat Kendall | September 18, 2013

This is one in a series of blog posts to coincide with National Health IT Week. To follow the conversation on Twitter, look for the #NHITweek hashtag.
Health information technology (health IT) is essential for better health, better patient care, and controlling costs, but effectively using it requires training and focus. More than 130,000 primary care providers (PCPs), 40% of all PCPs in the country, already receive support from Regional Extension Centers (RECs) for adoption and Meaningful Use of health IT.

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Electronic Health Information Exchange Governance Framework Released

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | May 3, 2013

Last year, ONC issued a Request for Information (RFI) to gather public input on a potential regulatory approach that would have spelled out “conditions for trusted exchange” (safeguards, technical, and business practice) through rulemaking, and establish a voluntary accreditation and certification process for validating organizations as being legitimate participants in the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN).

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Portrait of Kory Mertz

Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska Complete Consumer Innovation Challenge

Kory Mertz | March 29, 2013

In an effort to help consumers and patients get and use their own health information, the states of Georgia, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska took up an ONC challenge to implement innovative approaches to enable consumer-mediated exchange and open up patients’ access to their medical records.  Their innovative consumer engagement initiatives can be found at HealthIT.gov.

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