"health information" Posts

Portrait of Lee Stevens

Children’s Medical Center Dallas Enables True Data Liberation for Patients

Lee Stevens | February 19, 2014

Children’s Medical Center Dallas is among the first hospitals in the U.S. to implement true, untethered export of patient health data to a Personal Health Record (PHR) – one of the many benefits of health IT.  Over a year in planning, and in partnership with Microsoft Health Vault and Verizon, and supported by ONC, Children’s is now exporting patient health data for patients undergoing treatment for Sickle Cell Disease to their PHRs, and they are expanding the program to other care specialties including cardiac care.

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Portrait of Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo

HITECH Turns 5

Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo | February 19, 2014

This week marks a major milestone in our journey towards adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records. As we work toward the secure, private and meaningful exchange of interoperable health information across the continuum of care, the law that made much of this possible turns five.  We are celebrating the five-year anniversary of the passage of the Health Information Technology and Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) as part of the American Recovery and Revitalization Act.

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Portrait of Jodi G. Daniel

Continuing ONC’s non-regulatory approach to governance of the nationwide health information network

Jodi G. Daniel | December 19, 2013

Last year, in a blog post by former National Coordinator Farzad Mostashari, we announced a number of activities to promote a series of activities as part of a non-regulatory approach to governance of the nationwide health information network.   The activities were based on feedback and input we received from a wide range of stakeholders through a request for information on governance.  The public comments urged ONC not to issue regulations but to listen, learn,

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Portrait of Kathy Kenyon

A Guide: How to Identify and Address Unsafe Conditions Associated with Health IT

Kathy Kenyon | December 5, 2013

When front line clinicians confront a clinical mishap or unsafe condition in EHR-enabled healthcare settings (such as a medication error or a missed diagnosis) they may not connect the clinical event with how EHR use could have helped prevent it, how misuse or failure to use EHR functionality as intended contributed to the problem, or how weaknesses in EHR configuration, interfaces, or usability contributed.

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