"health information exchange" Posts

Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Developing Solutions to Health Information Exchange Challenges: Cheers to Another Successful S&I Framework Face-to-Face Meeting!

Dr. Doug Fridsma | April 19, 2012

Last week, the Office of Standards & Interoperability (OSI) hosted its third Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework Face-to-Face meeting in Alexandria, VA. More than 350 committed, enthusiastic volunteers traveled—on their own dime—to the nation’s capital to participate in this working meeting.

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Portrait of Peter Banks

State Health Information Exchange Grantees Take Part in the Consumer Innovation Challenge

Peter Banks | April 11, 2012

ONC recently issued the Consumer Innovation Challenge to State Health Information Exchange  grantees, building on the momentum of the ONC Pledge Program, to increase consumers’ access to their health information. Participating states will make concrete progress in the next six months to get electronic information into consumers’ hands so they can share it with family members and multiple providers who care for them and use it to improve their health and health care.

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Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Positive Steps Forward for Nationwide Interoperability

Dr. Doug Fridsma | April 13, 2011

Last week, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) celebrated another milestone in the journey toward nationwide interoperable health information exchange. Last Wednesday’s announcement from the Care Connectivity Consortium represents an important step that some of our nation’s largest health care providers are taking in supporting optimal patient care through health information technology.

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