"funding opportunity" Posts

Portrait of Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo

HHS and ONC invest $28 Million in Health Information Exchange Grants

Dr. Karen B. DeSalvo | February 3, 2015

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced this morning an important Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) funding opportunity, which is part of a Department-wide effort to achieve the safe and secure exchange and use of electronic health information to improve health and transform care as outlined in the Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap, Connecting Health and Care for the Nation: A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Version 1.0.

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Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

Expanding and Strengthening the Health IT Workforce

Dr. David Blumenthal | December 24, 2009

Today the administration announced two additional programs to support the development of the skilled workforce needed to support broad adoption and use of health IT.  Awards totaling $32 million to establish or expand university-based health IT training programs and $6 million dollars to develop a health IT competency testing program will complement the previously announced workforce development program grants established through the Recovery Act.

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Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

Health IT Innovation is the Key to Care

Dr. David Blumenthal | December 18, 2009

As Americans, we realize the importance of relentless innovation.  A key component of securing a healthy future for all Americans relies on harnessing innovation in health IT.
The new Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) Program announced today and funded at a level of $60 million through the HITECH Act, is designed with this purpose in mind. This program will fund projects in areas of research where breakthrough advances are needed to address barriers in health IT adoption.  

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Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

ONC Beacon Communities: A Proving Ground for Health IT and EHRs

Dr. David Blumenthal | December 2, 2009

As a physician, I’m trained to rely on proven methods and seek evidence that new approaches to care will lead to better outcomes.  The new Beacon Community Program, announced today and funded at the level of $235 million through the HITECH Act, is designed with that approach in mind.  This program aims to further strengthen advanced health information exchange capabilities established within 15 diverse communities throughout the United States.

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