"EHR" Posts

Portrait of Lee Stevens

EHR Interoperability Training Module Suite Online Now at HealthIT.gov

Lee Stevens | May 23, 2013

The State HIE Program Policy Office and the Regional Extension Center Program are excited to report that the full suite of five Interoperability Training Modules to support the attainment of Stage 2 Meaningful Use measures is now available at HealthIT.gov.  Designed for ONC grantees, providers and implementers, these five modules help guide stakeholders from the elementary level of EHR interoperability all the way to how the technical details of the process are designed and to meeting Stage 2 MU data exchange requirements.

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Portrait of Mary Erickson

Nurses Shine During National Nurses Week and Beyond

Mary Erickson | May 10, 2013

This is the final blog post in a National Nurses Week series. This post focuses on the changes in healthcare and the significant role that nurses play in patient care – from getting supplies ready for procedures to EHR implementation. We encourage you to read the entire blog series.
During National Nurses Week, ONC has been celebrating the contributions of the nursing profession on healthcare. Everyone is aware that a nurse’s impact on healthcare and patient safety is massive,

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Portrait of Justin Bennett

Achieving Meaningful Use as a Rural Solo Nurse Practitioner Practice

Justin Bennett | May 9, 2013

This is the fourth blog post in a National Nurses Week series. This post focuses on how nurses are achieving meaningful use and how Electronic Health Records and nursing have evolved over time. We encourage you to read the entire series.
Every day brings something new and exciting to Riverside Family Medicine, where I work as a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner (NP). My goal is to provide top-notch health care in the rural setting of Maurepas,

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Portrait of Carol Taylor

Electronic Health Records and Nursing: An EHR Implementation Story

Carol Taylor | May 8, 2013

This is the third blog post in a National Nurses Week series about how Electronic Health Records and nursing have evolved over time and how Health IT is helping nurses provide coordinated care to their patients.
The vast, rugged landscape of southeastern New Mexico may seem like a different planet for those living in other parts of the United States. But 11 years ago, I made the long trek South and West and I now call Hobbs,

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Portrait of Carol Bean

EHR Certification: An Ongoing Process for ONC’s Office of Certification

Carol Bean | April 25, 2013

Part of ONC’s mission is to certify that electronic health record (EHR) products meet the standards and capabilities we have created. It’s a big job, and we take it seriously.
Providers should be confident that when they buy and use a certified EHR, their product satisfies our requirements. That’s why we review any complaints we receive about these products and make sure they are addressed, even to the point of revoking certification when necessary. In fact,

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