"EHR" Posts

Portrait of Larry Wolf

Seeking Your Feedback: Voluntary EHR Certification for Behavioral Health and Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Settings

Larry Wolf | May 14, 2014

The Health Information Technology Policy Committee (HITPC) has been asked by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to explore the health information technology (health IT) needs of the long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) and behavioral health (BH) settings.  In most cases, providers in these settings are not eligible to receive funding from the Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive (Meaningful Use) Programs.

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Portrait of Brett Coughlin

ONC is helping veterans access their electronic health records

Brett Coughlin | April 17, 2014

Go where they are.
In this case, “they” represents rural veterans and Medicare patients. On their way to meet them is a group of Federal partners – including ONC, telecommunication companies – known in industry parlance as “telecos” — and other stakeholders who are pushing to bring broadband to the heartland.

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Portrait of Kimberly Lynch

RECs surpassed their goals to increase EHR adoption

Kimberly Lynch | February 13, 2014

Happy Birthday RECs!
This month marks the 4th birthday of the Regional Extension Center (REC) Program, and what a four years it’s been! We thought we’d take this chance to talk about some of the accomplishments that REC’s achieved in the past few years, and how their partnership with providers continues in leveraging health IT to improve care.

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Portrait of Steven Posnack

2014 Edition EHR Certification Includes New Transparency Requirements

Steven Posnack | February 11, 2014

ONC’s 2014 Edition EHR Certification Criteria define the requirements that EHR technology must meet in order to be used by eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals (EHs), and critical access hospitals (CAHs) participating in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs.  In addition to these criteria, ONC made some policy changes to the HIT Certification Program.

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