"certified EHR" Posts

Portrait of Carol Bean

EHR Certification: An Ongoing Process for ONC’s Office of Certification

Carol Bean | April 25, 2013

Part of ONC’s mission is to certify that electronic health record (EHR) products meet the standards and capabilities we have created. It’s a big job, and we take it seriously.
Providers should be confident that when they buy and use a certified EHR, their product satisfies our requirements. That’s why we review any complaints we receive about these products and make sure they are addressed, even to the point of revoking certification when necessary. In fact,

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Portrait of Dixie B. Baker

Help Shape the EHR Certification Process for Privacy & Security

Dixie B. Baker | December 5, 2012

ONC’s Certification Program includes the certification of two types of electronic health record (EHR) technology: Complete EHR and EHR Module. To meet the EHR adoption requirement to qualify for meaningful use incentive payments, an eligible professional or hospital can use either a Complete EHR, or a set of EHR Modules that collectively meets the definition of Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT).  Responsibility for assuring that a set of certified EHR Modules can be successfully and securely integrated together is left up to the adopter.

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