"adoption" Posts

Portrait of Jacob Reider

Progress on Adoption of Electronic Health Records

Jacob Reider | December 6, 2013

New Data Shows Rapid Adoption of EHRs; Announcements of 2015 Policies
Since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – which included the creation of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs – was signed into law, the nation has seen unprecedented growth in the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs). Between 2009 and 2012, EHR adoption nearly doubled among physicians and more than tripled among hospitals. Every month, thousands of providers join the ranks of hospitals and professionals that have adopted or are meaningfully using EHRs.

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Portrait of Emily Jones

The Story Behind the Numbers: Best Practices for Adopting and Implementing Health IT

Emily Jones | September 19, 2013

There has been a dramatic increase in the adoption and use of electronic health records among healthcare providers and hospitals across the country.*  But the numbers don’t tell the whole story.  Behind the steep increase in electronic health record (EHR) adoption is the story of each provider and organization as they adopt and optimize health information technology (health IT).  What are the experiences of providers and organizations as they implement and optimize health IT? 

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Portrait of Emily Jones

EHR Adoption Rates Increase with Aid from Local RECs

Emily Jones | March 21, 2013

Leaders, clinicians, and community board members of the nation’s Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are meeting in Washington this week to engage in collaborative learning and celebrate their journey towards meaningful use. They will also be comparing notes about what works, and what doesn’t in their adoption of health information technology. Specifically they will be discussing how EHR adoption rates have significantly increased when a health center engages a local Regional Extension Center (REC).

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