Health IT Privacy and Security

Joy Pritts | July 8, 2010

Privacy and security are the bedrock of building trust in health information exchange. The proposed modifications to the HIPAA Privacy & Security Rules, announced today, are a significant step forward in HHS’s efforts to protect patient privacy rights while encouraging the adoption of electronic health information exchange.  The next phase of this process is just as important—obtaining public feedback and suggestions concerning the proposed rules.   The comment period will begin once the rule is published in the Federal Register on July 14.  You can  submit your comments electronically through or via mail (original and 2 copies) to the Office for Civil Rights at: Office for Civil Rights, Attention: HITECH Privacy Rule Modifications, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Room 509F, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201.  HHS is looking forward to receiving your input.