Portrait of Steven Posnack

A 5-year Goal to Transition the ONC Health IT Certification Program’s Testing Portfolio

Steven Posnack | August 3, 2017

Throughout its seven-year history, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) Health IT Certification Program (Program) has evolved in many ways, including improvements that enhanced the Program’s integrity, transparency, and efficiency. Central to the Program’s administration is the use of electronic, automated testing tools for health information technology (health IT). These tools enable health IT to be repeatedly and rigorously tested relative to its ability to accurately create standardized data files and perform interoperability oriented transactions.

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Portrait of Lana Moriarty

Understanding the Patient Experience to Improve Patient Access to Medical Records

Lana Moriarty | July 11, 2017

Melissa Crawford is a mother from Concord, NH.  Her two year old daughter, Ava, has a congenital heart defect and was recently diagnosed with epilepsy.  Melissa loves Ava’s physician’s patient portal since it allows her to easily book appointments and refill Ava’s medications online.  But when Ava’s pediatrician needed medical records from Ava’s five specialists, the various patient portals did not provide all the health information the doctor needed.  Melissa set off on a stressful and complicated journey to gather the information from the five specialists in time for Ava’s appointment with her pediatrician.

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Portrait of Genevieve Morris

Join Us At the Trusted Exchange Framework & Common Agreement Kick Off Meeting on July 24

Genevieve Morris | July 5, 2017

The 21st Century Cures Act, (Cures) a bipartisan, comprehensive law, supports the discovery, development, and delivery of new treatments to maintain America’s global status in biomedical innovation.  Cures calls for innovation in the seamless exchange of health information and lays out a path and timeline to develop or support a trusted exchange framework and common agreement to achieve full network to network exchange of health information.  Cures calls on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to advance that seamless exchange of health information,

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Portrait of Lana Moriarty

Trusted Content from Healthfinder.gov Can Improve Patient Portals

Lana Moriarty | June 22, 2017

The ONC Patient Engagement (PE) Playbook was created by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to help healthcare professionals use health information technology (health IT) to provide better care to patients. The PE Playbook focuses specifically on electronic health record (EHR) patient portals, which allow both patients and healthcare teams, concurrent with patients’ privacy preferences, to easily access patient health information — which may lead to increased benefits for healthcare,

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