Portrait of Lana Moriarty

Trusted Content from Healthfinder.gov Can Improve Patient Portals

Lana Moriarty | June 22, 2017

The ONC Patient Engagement (PE) Playbook was created by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to help healthcare professionals use health information technology (health IT) to provide better care to patients. The PE Playbook focuses specifically on electronic health record (EHR) patient portals, which allow both patients and healthcare teams, concurrent with patients’ privacy preferences, to easily access patient health information — which may lead to increased benefits for healthcare,

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Portrait of Steven Posnack

One if by Land, Two if by API

Steven Posnack | June 20, 2017

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has updated the Certified Health IT Product List’s (CHPL) landing page. The update includes several enhancements making it easier to access data about 2014 Edition and 2015 Edition certified health IT products. Below the main search box, we have added (and will continue to add) resource shortcuts that quickly take you to specific information within the CHPL.

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Portrait of Don Rucker

Coming to ONC – One Informaticist’s Journey

Don Rucker | June 15, 2017

EMRs, EHRs, and Medical Computing
These are exciting times for the software industry, with extraordinary new products and services on devices from phones and tablets to their backend enterprise servers. We need this dynamism in software development to provide increased interoperability and usability to patients and clinicians.

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Portrait of Steven Posnack

The C-CDA has Come a Long Way

Steven Posnack | June 8, 2017

The Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) standard (version 1.1, C-CDA 1.1) was first adopted in 2012 as part of the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC’s) 2014 Edition final rule. It took nearly three years after that rulemaking for certified health information technology (health IT) with C-CDA 1.1 capabilities to be widely deployed among health care providers. Today’s experience with respect to C-CDA-based interoperability reflects this now five year-old version, and, in some respects,

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