Portrait of Chris Muir

ClinicalBox Improves Surgery through Enhanced Prior Authorization and Clinical Coordination

Chris Muir | August 19, 2019

One in an occasional series of ‘Where-are-they-now?’ posts about ONC Challenge Winners
We recently checked in with  ClinicalBox  and Lowell General Hospital about their progress since being selected as one of six winners of ONC’s 2015 Market Research and Development (R&D) Pilot Challenge in 2015.* This challenge broke down the barriers between promising start ups and healthcare stakeholders by helping early stage health information technology (health IT) companies connect with healthcare organizations that were willing to host pilot programs.

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Portrait of Daniel Chaput

Healthcare Directories Workshop Focuses on Secure Validation of Clinician Data

Daniel Chaput | August 13, 2019

For patients, healthcare providers, and health plans (among other stakeholders) who need trustworthy, actionable information, the advantages of validated “healthcare directories” are wide ranging and will play an increasing part in our nation’s interoperability infrastructure. Healthcare directories play a critical role in enabling identification of individual providers and provider organizations, as well as characteristics about them, their relationships, and the means by which to access and exchange health information among them electronically. Healthcare directories support a variety of use cases,

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Portrait of Don Rucker ,

Moving Beyond Closed Networks – An Update on Trusted Exchange of Health Information

Don Rucker | April 19, 2019

In the 1990s, many Americans interacted with the Internet through America Online. While this platform was revolutionary, providing users with e-mail services and access to content, it was also a closed network. Their users were restricted from accessing applications, content, and services available outside of AOL’s approved content providers. In the healthcare landscape, we still have a similar dynamic today. Both national networks and local or regional health information exchanges provide valuable services to their users;

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Portrait of Don Rucker

ONC’s Proposed Rule will Connect People to their Care

Don Rucker | February 11, 2019

Today, I am pleased to announce the release of ONC’s proposed rule to implement provisions in Title IV of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act). We also released a series of educational resources that focus on areas of the rule—including patient access, information blocking, the new conditions of certification, and the role application programming interfaces (API) will play in the new health information technology (health IT) landscape created by the Cures Act. Over the next few weeks,

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