Portrait of Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD

We’re One in a Million: ONC and the Precision Medicine Initiative

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | February 27, 2020

The increasing availability of electronic health data in the 21st century has tremendous potential to ignite a new era of inquiry and discovery. ONC is part of the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI), a federal effort to spur the next generation of health research by rethinking access, aggregation, storage, and analysis of many kinds of health and health-related data. With precision medicine, researchers will be able to make new discoveries about health and illness to bring a more personalized approach to patient care.

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Portrait of Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD

ONC Releases National Health IT Priorities for Research: A Policy and Development Agenda

Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD | February 24, 2020

The accelerated use of health IT has led to exponential growth in the amount and availability of electronic health data. Despite this progress, certain research and scientific breakthroughs may remain slow due to difficulties with health IT infrastructure and the lack of high quality health data. To better understand and address these challenges, ONC led the development of National Health IT Priorities for Research: A Policy and Development Agenda, which articulates a vision where research can happen more quickly and effectively.

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Portrait of Andrew Gettinger

Final Report Delivers a Strategy to Reduce EHR Burden

Andrew Gettinger | February 21, 2020

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a comprehensive strategy to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden related to the use of health IT, including EHRs. Reflective of public comment, the Strategy on Reducing Regulatory and Administrative Burdens Relating to the Use of Health IT and EHRs targets burdens tied to regulatory and administrative requirements that HHS can directly impact through the rulemaking process. The report’s strategies, recommendations, and policy shifts aim to give clinicians more time to focus on what matters – caring for their patients.

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Portrait of Cannon Leavelle

Key Takeaways from the ONC 2020 Annual Meeting

Cannon Leavelle | February 6, 2020

More than 1,200 stakeholders gathered this year in Washington, DC for the ONC’s 10th Annual Meeting, Connecting Policy and Technology: Bringing the EHR to the Patient. Among many other health IT topics, attendees discussed patients’ access to health information and privacy considerations, health care cost transparency, and the latest updates to health IT standards. If you were not able to join us in DC, you can view the webcast.

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Portrait of Rachel Abbey

PULSE Supports Health Care During Disasters

Rachel Abbey | January 24, 2020

When disaster strikes, most of us think about how we can best protect ourselves and our loved ones. We can’t always think about our health records though. Disasters can often aggravate chronic disease and cause disruptions at hospitals, clinics and other health care and social service facilities. If we even have them, very few of us think about taking our health records when evacuating, but that’s where health IT can help.

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