Portrait of Don Rucker

Global Partnership Leads the Way to Advance Digital Health

Don Rucker | January 14, 2021

Across the globe, countries are making significant investments and advancements to promote the movement of electronic health information.  Global health information technology (health IT) leaders are working collaboratively to develop, implement, and share best practices with other nations about projects that advance key elements of digital health.  These efforts can yield better patient outcomes, reduce administrative burden on providers, and enable patients’ access to their health data. One of ONC’s primary global health IT engagements for this work is the Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP).

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Portrait of Allison Dennis

Labs on FHIR: Sharing Genetic Test Results

Allison Dennis | January 7, 2021

The use of genetic testing is becoming increasingly routine in patient care. For example, tests are available to check newborns for genetic disorders, screen would-be parents for carrier status, inform cancer care, and evaluate potential pharmacogenetic associations. However, the laboratories that perform these tests face many challenges that keep them from being able to return clinical genomic results in a standardized way and fully leverage a patient’s electronic health record. This also affects healthcare professionals’ ability to deliver precision medicine and conduct precision medicine research.

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Portrait of Robert Anthony

New Resources to Help Health IT Developers Understand ONC Cures Act Final Rule Requirements

Robert Anthony | January 4, 2021

As the compliance dates for the 21st Century Cures Act: Information Blocking, Interoperability, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program Final Rule (ONC Cures Act Final Rule) draw nearer, ONC has created additional resources to assist the health IT developer community. These resources include a consolidated view of key dates, a criterion-by-criterion resource for the 2015 Edition Cures Update, and a deep dive into forthcoming certified application programming interface (API) requirements.

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Portrait of Elisabeth Myers

How Proposed Implementation Specifications for Application Programming Interfaces Would Help to Further Reduce Burden

Elisabeth Myers | December 22, 2020

On December 10, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services released a notice of proposed rulemaking Reducing Provider and Patient Burden by Improving Prior Authorization Processes, and Promoting Patients’ Electronic Access to Health Information, which builds on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Interoperability and Patient Access final rule released earlier this year. This new proposed rule includes additional proposed requirements for payers to implement standards-based application programming interfaces (APIs) that can help address critical health care challenges such as improving the efficiency of prior authorization processes.

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