Portrait of Vaishali Patel

Information Blocking Through the Eyes of Health Information Exchanges

Vaishali Patel | May 10, 2021

The information blocking regulations at 45 CFR Part 171 began to apply to health care providers, health IT developers of certified health IT, health information exchanges, and health information networks on April 5, 2021, per ONC’s recent interim final rule. That makes now a good time to consider stakeholders’ views about practices that may constitute information blocking, including the extent to which they exist. Our recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association reports on a survey of health information exchanges’ (HIEs) perceptions of other stakeholders’ practices related to information blocking.

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Portrait of Matthew Rahn

ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule Sets Path for New Healthcare Industry Standards

Matthew Rahn | May 6, 2021

Time flies! It has been over a year since ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule was first released and since then ONC has been busy advancing the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) and enabling the healthcare industry to voluntarily implement newer versions of adopted standards via the Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP) for the purposes of the ONC Health IT Certification.

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Portrait of Liz Palena Hall ,

ONC Annual Meeting 2021: Perspectives on the Impact of SDOH on Health Equity and Care

Liz Palena Hall | April 23, 2021

Health equity and social determinants of health (SDOH) data were a recurring theme at this year’s ONC Annual Meeting. Leveraging these important data, which reflect where people are born, live, learn, work and play can have a significant impact on patient care and public health. SDOH data provide opportunities for promoting health equity and improving patient outcomes if they are better integrated into the electronic health record (EHR).

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Portrait of Tracy Okubo

Sync for Genes Phase 4 Demonstrations Selected

Tracy Okubo | April 21, 2021

Today, ONC is pleased to announce two demonstration sites selected for Sync for Genes Phase 4. Since its launch in 2017, the ONC Sync for Genes project has advanced the standardized sharing of genomic information between laboratories, providers, patients, and researchers. Sync for Genes uses the Health Level 7 (HL7®) International FHIR® standard to enable the electronic sharing of genomic data.  

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