Portrait of Stephanie Garcia

Accelerating Patient-Centered Outcomes Research through Synthetic Health Data Generation

Stephanie Garcia | September 19, 2022

Real world health data are critical for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR). However, it’s often difficult, expensive, and time consuming for researchers to access real-world clinical health data because of privacy concerns, security restrictions, and usage issues. Although PCOR researchers, health information technology developers, and informaticists often depend on anonymized or de-identified clinical health data for testing theories, data models, algorithms, and prototype innovations, re-identification of anonymized data remains a possible security risk. Synthetic health data can provide a no-risk data source to complement research and support testing needs until real clinical health data are available.

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Portrait of Ryan Argentieri , ,

ONC and CDC Working Together to Strengthen Public Health Systems, Tools, and Practices that Keep Us Safe

Ryan Argentieri | September 8, 2022

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health staff have worked tirelessly to make sense of the extraordinary volumes of data coming at them at different times and in different ways. Because much of this information is unstructured or non-standardized, epidemiologists, scientists, and others must first bring these data into alignment before the real work can begin. The more differences there are in the data, the more painstaking the is work for people on the frontlines trying to put the pieces together fast.

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Portrait of Kathryn Marchesini , , , ,

Minimizing Risks and Maximizing Rewards from Machine Learning

Kathryn Marchesini | September 7, 2022

When talking about artificial intelligence (AI) today, people are usually referring to predictive models—often driven by machine learning (ML) techniques—that “learn” from historic data and make predictions, recommendations, or classifications (outputs) which inform or drive decision making. The power of ML is in its enormous flexibility. You can build a model to predict or recommend just about anything, and we have seen it transform many sectors.

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Portrait of Mikki Smith

ONC Staff Profiles – Malikah “Mikki” Smith 

Mikki Smith | September 2, 2022

How does your division/office fit into ONC?
Cybersecurity is a critical component to create trust for the ongoing use and advancement of information technology. As part of ONC’s Cybersecurity and Enterprise Architecture Division (CEAD), I lead a team that works to provide cybersecurity and enterprise architecture management functions in an integrated and holistic approach across ONC to ensure and facilitate informed IT Capital Planning and investments, enterprise risk posture & management and coordinated Health IT cyber/privacy support.

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Portrait of Ryan Argentieri ,

USCDI+ In Action! ONC and HRSA launch USCDI+ Initiative to support UDS Modernization

Ryan Argentieri | August 29, 2022

A few months ago, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) launched the USCDI+ initiative to support the identification and establishment of domain or program-specific datasets that will operate as extensions to the existing United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI). Recently, our colleagues at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) saw an opportunity to leverage USCDI+ and we have now launched a new USCDI+ collaboration to support HRSA’s Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting through the UDS Modernization Initiative.

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