Portrait of Sonia Chambers ,

STAR HIE Program Helps Unlock Powerful Public Health Data in West Virginia

Sonia Chambers | November 29, 2022

ONC launched the Strengthening the Technical Advancement and Readiness of Public Health Agencies via Health Information Exchange (STAR HIE) Program in 2020 using funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The program was expanded in 2021 to increase support for efforts to improve vaccination data sharing between jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS) and HIEs. The West Virginia Health Information Network (WVHIN) was among the 22 recipients that received a combined $20 million in funds from ONC via the CARES Act.

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Portrait of LaVerne Perlie ,

Addressing Evolving Health Information Technology Needs in Pediatric Care: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Informational Resource (IR)

LaVerne Perlie | November 15, 2022

Hot off the presses, the Pediatric Health Information Technology: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Informational Resource (NAS IR) [PDF – 808 KB] is a new resource from ONC to support pediatric care and practice settings specific to neonatal abstinence syndrome. The NAS IR builds upon prior efforts included in the ONC Pediatric Health Information Technology Informational Resources (IR) for health IT developers and for health care providers, and includes information about the implementation of health IT and its use as part of delivering health care to infants experiencing withdrawal after maternal exposure to opioids and other substances during pregnancy.

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Portrait of Mike Berry

HITAC Recommendations on ONC Adopted Standards

Mike Berry | November 10, 2022

The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) recently submitted their final report and recommendations related to ONC adopted standards and implementation specifications referenced in federal regulations. The report and recommendations are based on the work of the HITAC’s 2022 Adopted Standards Task Force and are responsive to a 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) (42 U.S. Code § 300jj–13) provision that requires the national coordinator to convene stakeholders to review the existing set of adopted standards and implementation specifications and make recommendations with respect to whether to maintain the use of such standards and implementation specifications;

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Portrait of Laura M. Urioste

Actionable ways to meet the 2015 Edition Cures Update requirements

Laura M. Urioste | November 8, 2022

The 2015 Edition Cures Update made several changes to the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program), including new functionalities; new, removed, and revised criteria; and new requirements establishing the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification. This means that most health IT developers of certified health IT (certified health IT developers) will be required to update their certified Health IT Modules by December 31, 2022. As we approach this deadline, it is important to remember that meeting the Certification Program requirements and avoiding non-conformities is up to each certified health IT developer.

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Portrait of Micky Tripathi

OSTP, in Partnership with ONC, Seeks Input on Optimizing Data Capture for Clinical Trials

Micky Tripathi | October 31, 2022

This blog post is co-authored with Jennifer Roberts, Assistant Director for Health Technologies, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Grail Sipes, Assistant Director for Biomedical Regulatory Policy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the need for a coordinated clinical trials enterprise, one that can swiftly characterize emerging viral threats and evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines, therapeutics, and other countermeasures across a diversity of trial participants.

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