Portrait of Chelsea Richwine ,

Disparities in Patient Access to Electronic Health Information: Insights from a National Survey

Chelsea Richwine | January 5, 2023

Patients have a right of access to their health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. Recent policy efforts aim to simplify and increase patient access to electronic health information (EHI), as easy access to health information enables patients to monitor health conditions, follow treatment plans, and find and fix medical  record discrepancies. Patient access also plays a major role in promoting patient-centered care by enabling individuals to make more informed decisions about their health.

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Portrait of Steven Posnack

Not-So-Hidden Gems in the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule: Get to Know the Conditions of Certification

Steven Posnack | December 15, 2022

Don’t get me wrong, the information blocking regulations are important, but let’s not forget that the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) and our implementing regulations (Cures Act Final Rule) had a few other impactful provisions. In particular, certain changes to the ONC Health IT Certification Program may seem like “more of the same” for health IT developers, but in reality they are really important and beneficial to clinicians, researchers, and the public alike.

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Portrait of Kathryn Marchesini , , , ,

Back to the Future: What Predictive Decision Support Can Learn from DeLoreans and The Big Short

Kathryn Marchesini | December 13, 2022

In the third blog in our series on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-driven predictive models (data analytics tool or software) in health care, we discussed some potential risks (sometimes referred to as model harms) related to these emerging technologies and how these risks could lead to adverse impacts or negative outcomes. Given these potential risks, some have questioned whether they can trust the use of these technologies in health care.

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