Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

Meaningful Use Gets Support from Private Sector

Dr. David Blumenthal | August 13, 2010

Health IT is a team effort. The whole point is to increase communication and coordination among the different players in the health care system. You just can’t go it alone in this field.
The good news is that, when you have a solid plan and a worthy objective, lots of talented people want to join the team and contribute to the effort.

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Portrait of Mat Kendall ,

ONC’s RECs Prepare to Provide Meaningful Use Help

Mat Kendall | August 11, 2010

To support the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records, ONC has funded 60 Regional Extension Centers (RECs) across the country. The goal of the RECs is to provide outreach, education, and on-site technical assistance to support 100,000 primary care physicians implementing electronic health records (EHRs) into their practices and working to attain meaningful use of their systems.

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Portrait of Joshua Seidman

Guiding Principles for Stage 1 Meaningful Use Adjustments

Joshua Seidman | July 30, 2010

The release of the CMS Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Final Rule [link] on July 14 marked the end of the Stage 1 process for defining “meaningful use.” The final steps of that process involved reviewing, synthesizing, analyzing and reacting to more than 2,200 comments received from the public. The comments addressed big-picture principles and arcane details, and just about everything in between. We were very grateful for the public input and are very excited to announce the Stage 1 Meaningful Use requirements.

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