Portrait of Steven Posnack

Meaningful Use Grids: Quick Reference to Navigation

Steven Posnack | February 24, 2011

Most days I typically have my nose buried in either the Meaningful Use or Standards and Certification Criteria final rules (in a majority of cases both) searching for answers to questions I’ve received. Finding the right place quickly often proves to be the most difficult challenge. This led me to look for a way to more efficiently find the relevant parts of the rules. With the help of some of my staff, we developed quick reference grids to accomplish this goal.

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Portrait of Peter Garrett

ONC At HIMSS: Where Health Care and IT Meet

Peter Garrett | February 18, 2011

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) will be hosting its 11th annual conference in Orlando, February 20 to 24, 2011. The HIMSS conference provides an opportunity for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to connect with almost 30,000 health information technology (health IT) professionals, health care executives, and providers.   As in the past, ONC will participate in the conference and reach out to all stakeholders closely involved in developing and implementing health IT solutions for our nation’s health care providers.

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Portrait of Dr. David Blumenthal

HITECH in High Gear

Dr. David Blumenthal | February 15, 2011

We’ve known for years that health information technology can improve health care. But until recently, the implementation rate among providers has been low, except for a few early adopters. 

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