Portrait of Aaron McKethan ,

IC3, Improving Care through Connectivity and Collaboration

Aaron McKethan | April 4, 2011

Interview with Christie North, Vice President, HealthInsight
1. What does the IC3 Utah Beacon Community hope to accomplish?
Our ultimate hope is to improve the health of our community so that patients with diabetes do not progress to the next stage of illness prematurely and so that they may experience a greater quality of life. If we are successful,10 years from now, no patient will be admitted to a hospital or go to the emergency department in diabetic trouble that could have been prevented.

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Proposed ACO Rule A Change for Delivery System Transformation

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | April 1, 2011

Yesterday’s release of the notice of proposed rulemaking for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) is another reminder of the synergies to be found in the meaningful use of health information technology (health IT) and delivery system transformation. Because health IT tools are an essential foundation to support the kinds of coordinated, patient-centered, and accountable care envisioned by the ACO program, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the Centers for Medicare &

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Portrait of David Hunt

HHS to Launch Workgroup to Help Eliminate Health Disparities

David Hunt | March 31, 2011

Despite continued advances in heath care and technology, racial and ethnic minorities continue to have higher rates of disease, disability, and premature death than non-minorities. In response to this discrepancy, HHS is preparing to launch the National Partnership for Action, which will be the first HHS national plan to eliminate health disparities—persistent gaps between the health status of minorities and non-minorities. Health information technology (HIT) is a critical aspect of this plan. 

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