Portrait of Joy Pritts

ONC Launches Data Segmentation Initiative

Joy Pritts | September 19, 2011

ONC is pleased to announce the launch of the Data Segmentation Initiative (DSI) on October 5, 2011. The Initiative will build on the vision of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), which recommended the development of metadata tags to be used for exchanging data across organizational structures while maintaining the privacy and security of the information.

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Portrait of Jodi G. Daniel

Release of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015

Jodi G. Daniel | September 12, 2011

Today, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) published the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015 (the Plan). The Plan, and our strategy, benefited from the valuable input we received on the draft Plan that was out for public comment from March 25 – May 6, 2011. The 240 responses to our blog post requesting public feedback on the draft helped us to refine and solidify the final Plan.

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Portrait of Peter Garrett

ONC Launches HealthIT.gov

Peter Garrett | September 9, 2011

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has launched a new website, www.HealthIT.gov. This website is designed to become the leading national resource on health information technology (health IT) for both consumers and health care professionals.

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