Portrait of Damon Davis

U.S. Surgeon General’s Healthy App Challenge

Damon Davis | December 6, 2011

Do you have mobile app ideas or have one already developed? The Surgeon General’s Healthy App Challenge invites developers to submit their health, wellness, and fitness mobile apps for review by an independent panel of reviewers selected by the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin. The panel will be supported by the Office of the Surgeon General, and the ONC Innovations Office and Consumer e-Health program. Winners will be announced at a public event in late January.

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Portrait of Wil Yu

How Health IT Tools Can Help Prevent a Million Heart Attacks and Strokes

Wil Yu | December 1, 2011

In late September 2011, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Dr. Farzad Mostashari announced the launch of the ‘One in a Million Hearts’ Investing in Innovation challenge in a post on this blog.  The challenge supports the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Million Hearts initiative, which aims to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes–two of the top causes of death in the United States–over the next five years.

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Portrait of Nancy-Ann DeParle

We Can’t Wait: New Steps Encourage Doctors and Hospitals to Use Health IT to Lower Costs, Improve Quality, Create Jobs

Nancy-Ann DeParle | November 30, 2011

When doctors and hospitals use health information technology (health IT), patients get better care and we can all save money. This results in less paperwork for billing, medical records, and prescribing; easier coordination of care among doctors, nurses, and pharmacists in hospitals and outpatient settings; and better reporting on quality of care. Thanks to President Obama’s leadership, the number of physicians using this important technology to help patients get better care and save money has more than doubled,

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Portrait of Mat Kendall

ONC’s Regional Extension Centers Sign Up 100,000 Primary Care Providers

Mat Kendall | November 17, 2011

Today, we’d like to acknowledge an important milestone in our journey toward national electronic health record (EHR) adoption: ONC’s Regional Extension Centers (RECs) have signed up more than 100,000 primary care providers! This means that roughly one third of the nation’s primary care providers have committed to meaningfully using EHRs by partnering with their local REC. Momentum is building!

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