Portrait of Wil Yu

New Innovation Challenge Will Help People with Disabilities Access Their Health Records

Wil Yu | February 7, 2012

We are extremely excited to announce the launch of a new Investing in Innovations mobile app challenge, the “EHR Accessibility Module Challenge.”
Improving Access to Health Records
ONC’s mission includes reducing health disparities, ensuring secure and protected patient health information, and reducing health care costs. As such, we are challenging multidisciplinary teams to create and test a module or application that makes it easy for people with disabilities to access their health information stored in electronic health records (EHRs).

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Portrait of Pierce Graham-Jones

How Can Health IT Lead to a More Sustainable Health Care System?

Pierce Graham-Jones | February 3, 2012

Across the country, health care providers are making significant investments to redesign care processes and strengthen their health information technology (health IT) capabilities with the goal of achieving better care, better health, and lower costs. For the American health care system as a whole, the simultaneous pursuit of all three of these aims is essential to sustaining any one of them.

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