Portrait of Wil Yu

ONC Launches Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge to Help Reduce Medical Errors

Wil Yu | May 15, 2012

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is proud to launch the Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge, designed to spur development of platform-agnostic health IT tools to facilitate the reporting of medical errors in hospital and outpatient settings. This developer contest is part of ONC’s Investing in Innovation (i2) Initiative, which holds competitions to accelerate development and adoption of technology solutions that enhance quality and outcomes.

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Portrait of Jodi G. Daniel

ONC Seeks Public Comment on RFI on Governance of the Nationwide Health Information Network

Jodi G. Daniel | May 11, 2012

The release today of the Request for Information (RFI) on Governance of the Nationwide Health Information Network is a critical step toward enabling trusted and interoperable electronic health information exchange (electronic exchange) nationwide. A common set of “rules of the road” for privacy, security, business and technical requirements will help lay the necessary foundation to enable our nation’s electronic health information exchange capacity to grow. It can also help achieve the Administration’s vision for an electronically connected health system for the 21st Century that delivers efficient and quality health care for all Americans.

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Portrait of Peter Banks

E-Prescribing Adoption: A Prescription for Progress

Peter Banks | May 11, 2012

Think about the last time you were prescribed a medication. Did your doctor fill out a prescription on a paper pad and instruct you to get the medication filled at your local pharmacy? If not, chances are that he or she electronically routed the prescription to your pharmacy. This process—called electronic prescribing or “e-prescribing”—is helping prescribers and pharmacists make better clinical decisions, improve workflow, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance patient care.

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Portrait of Parmeeth M.S. Atwal

Improving Health Care in Schools: School Nurse Leader Gives District’s EHR System an A+

Parmeeth M.S. Atwal | May 9, 2012

Marie DeSisto is an innovator when it comes to electronic health records (EHRs) and improving health care in schools. Thanks to her efforts, school nurses in Waltham, MA, are linked by an EHR system that helps them serve students in ways that go far beyond the basics. Just one example: EHR data on student obesity convinced budget-conscious administrators not to eliminate recess.

In honor of National Nurses Week and National School Nurse Day,

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