Portrait of Erin Poetter Siminerio

New Animated Video Explains How Advancements in Technology are Giving You Tools and Access to Information to Manage Your Health

Erin Poetter Siminerio | August 7, 2012

It’s time health care caught up with the way we live the rest of our lives. Technology has transformed the way we bank, shop, travel and communicate; yet, health care has lagged far behind.
ONC has posted 3:00 minute and 60-second versions of an animated video for consumers that explains how widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and other technology is helping to give the U.S. health care system a 21st Century upgrade—creating one that is smarter and more responsive to the needs of patients,

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Portrait of Elsie Hasting

Technology Is Keeping Track of More Than Just Scores at the London 2012 Olympic Games

Elsie Hasting | July 31, 2012

Electronic Health Records: Helping Team USA and YOU Achieve Better Health and Care
Today, technology is tracking more than just scores, stats, and outcomes of competitions at the London 2012 Olympics. For the first time in history, our Olympic athletes, their doctors, and trainers will use electronic health records to track, treat, and transform the health of Team USA.
As a sports and health advocate, a current ONCer, and a former member of the staff at the Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games,

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Seeking Application Developers for the Million Hearts Risk Check Challenge

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | July 27, 2012

Can we really prevent a million heart attacks and strokes in the next five years? The Million HeartsTM initiative is a public-private effort to do just that by implementing proven, effective, and inexpensive interventions. It’s doable only because so many individuals at high risk for heart attacks and strokes are not being adequately treated, and in many cases, are not in treatment at all. Only 47 percent of people at high risk are on aspirin; less than half of those with high blood pressure or cholesterol have it well controlled;

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Portrait of Kate Tipping

Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Kate Tipping | July 26, 2012

Many people with behavioral health disorders are disproportionally impacted by chronic primary care conditions including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Health IT and health information exchange can play a role in integrating behavioral health and primary care. However, for the most part, behavioral health providers and facilities do not meet the eligibility requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs established in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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