Portrait of Wil Yu

ONC Launches New Health Data Platform i2 Challenges

Wil Yu | July 16, 2012

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is excited to have launched a series of new Investing in Innovation (i2) Initiative competitions at the recent Health Datapalooza! The i2 program promotes the use of technology to find solutions that drive better outcomes, engage users in their health, and improve health care quality. The first series of i2 challenges targeted at developing new functionality for the HHS’ Health Data Platform is available at HealthData.gov.

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Portrait of Dan Porreca

Using Telemonitoring for Preventative Diabetes Care in the Western New York Beacon Community

Dan Porreca | July 10, 2012

According to the New York State Department of Health, diabetes affects one out of every 12 adult New Yorkers. The number of diabetics in New York State has more than doubled since 1994 and that number could double again by 2050. Western New York, which includes Buffalo and eight counties ranging from urban to suburban and rural, has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the country with approximately 150,000 diabetic patients. 

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Portrait of Lygeia Ricciardi

Informing National Priorities for Research on the Use of Health IT to Support Patient-Centered Communication and Care Coordination for Cancer

Lygeia Ricciardi | July 9, 2012

A diverse group of researchers, industry leaders, clinicians, and patient advocates gathered in Washington, D.C. on June 7, 2012 to provide input on a national research agenda for patient engagement using health information technology (health IT) to support patient-centered communication and care coordination for cancer.

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Portrait of John White

White House Rural Council’s Health IT Initiative Helps Community Colleges Tailor Programs to Workforce Needs

John White | June 27, 2012

With a major workforce transition underway in many rural hospitals and health clinics, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosted a conference call with staff from nearly 80 rural community colleges recently to discuss federal resources available to expand training for health information technology workers.

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Portrait of Arnaub Chatterjee

New Innovation Opportunity Announced! HHS Innovation Fellows Program

Arnaub Chatterjee | June 25, 2012

Are you interested in solving the nation’s most critical health care problems?  The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) is looking for external experts and entrepreneurs to work on innovative projects through the HHS Innovation Fellows Program. The Innovation Fellows Program aims to bring external ideas and expertise to HHS’s own innovation process and rapidly create, develop, engage, and accelerate innovation.

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