Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Enabling Trusted Exchange: Governing the Nationwide Health Information Network

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | September 7, 2012

An overarching goal for ONC is that information follows the patient where and when it is needed, across organizational, vendor, and geographic boundaries.  We believe that the current state of information exchange and care coordination is far from this ideal, and that in addition to technical challenges with interoperability, the absence of common “rules of the road” may be hindering the development of a trusted marketplace for information exchange services.

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Portrait of Dr. Farzad Mostashari

Meaningful Use Stage 2: A Giant Leap in Data Exchange

Dr. Farzad Mostashari | August 28, 2012

The CMS and ONC Meaningful Use Stage 2 rules we just issued represent a massive step forward in advancing the secure exchange of information between providers and patients to support better care across the nation. Getting the right information to the right person at the right time can be a matter of life and death.  Unfortunately, anyone who has been a patient or cared for a patient understands that it’s simply not happening today.

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Portrait of Dr. Doug Fridsma

Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT): The Release of MDHT 1.1 and the Improvements in Health IT

Dr. Doug Fridsma | August 24, 2012

In an April 2012 blog on Health IT Buzz, I highlighted the Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) project’s goals and development status. Since then, the MDHT project team has released MDHT Version 1.1 .
About MDHT
MDHT is an open source project run through the Standards and Interoperability Framework that aims to provide health IT standards developers and implementers a common modeling framework. It also provides the tools for the efficient and secure exchange of health information from one care provider to the next.

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Portrait of Damon Davis

ONC at OSCON 2012: What Could the Future Bring?

Damon Davis | August 22, 2012

The open source software (OSS) community is full of creative software coders developing amazing computer applications collaboratively. Recently I witnessed the power of their collaborative innovation first hand at the Open Source Convention (OSCON) in Portland, OR. This was the conference’s 12th year…but my first experience.

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